Chapter 15- Short lived revenge-_-

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Nobody's pov

Lizzie was really enjoying this thing that she is doing now, but also kinda feels bad for zen cause of what she's doing. But its for the best really as she said it Revenge.

They are now back at their hotel room chilling and of course there's zen who is still trying to get Lizzie to notice her.

Lizzie is now at the pantry looking for snacks while zen is just laying in bed thinking of what can she do for Lizzie so she could forgive her and say sorry.

Zen pov-

It's been like 3 hours since Lizzie has been ignoring me and I'm sick of it, I don't like this side of Lizzie.

I mean it was just some prank that I thought would be funny, part of it was but the other not so much, soooo I was thinking of something that can make Lizzie forgive me.

What would be a great idea though?

1.should I just apologize to her normally?

2.surprise her with breakfast in bed?

3.just be clingy to her until she gives in?

Ughhhhh why is this so hard what should i pick?!?!?!

Maybe no.1 would be good just good old apology right?
But the problem is she is literally gonna go away if she sees me so no.

How bout no.2

Y'know just be sweet and good, but there is a problem idk if she will like it or not.

Likely she will love it but now in this situation I don't think so, she will just probably ignore me again.

Sooooooo no.3 it is

I hope it works.

So mission make Lizzie not ignore me begin!!!

Lizzie pov-

I just finished eating the snacks that I got from the pantry and is now going to the living room since zen is in the bedroom.

As I get to the couch zen came out of the room and immediately went towards me and hugged me.

I didn't even get to react! When I did she Is now on the couch bear hugging me, I mean I like her bear hugs but I shall not fall for it.

Not when my plan is slowly working.

Zen moved closer to me hugging me tighter not saying a word, I missed her being like this being the little spoon and stuff cause I usually am the little spoon giving her my koala hugs.

But then again I need to go on with my plan.

I slowly removed myself away from zen to go to the bathroom, so I could escape her hug and to pee cause I needed to.

When I came back I went to the living room again but there was no zen there anymore so I looked all over our room to look for her.

I looked at the bedroom, kitchen and even in the bathroom where I was but again no zen.

So I just gave up and pray to God that she is just at the other rooms or with her mom so she could sleep there instead.

I went to our room and I looked at the clock it was already 11:35pm it was already late so I went to our closet.

And as I got closer I heard little quite sniffles of someone who looks like had been crying for more than an hour, so I quickly opened the door and.

There was zen.

She had red puffy eyes, her shirt soaked in her tears and not to mention also shaking heavily.

I quickly hugged her calming her and lightly tapping her back with my palm to help her calm down, she was surprised at first but relaxed when she saw it was just me, and after about 30minutes of crying and making her calm down she finally stopped crying, she's hiccuping so i got her some water from the mii fridge we had at our room and gave it to her. Now that she can speak more clearly I asked her what happened.

Before the crying.

Zen pov-

I got out of our room to see Lizzie sitting at the couch so I quickly went to her and think that that this was a great opportunity to start the plan. I quickly hugged her not even waiting for her to react, as I moved further to her side I could feel her melting at my touch.

But boi I was wrong she just got out and went to the bathroom, that hurt me and let me remind you I am kin of a sensitive person I guess and I always show people that like I'm strong and stuff but that's only what going on in front.

Now I'm here at our bedroom finding a place to breakdown cause of one simple movement, yeah ik dramatic right.

I didn't have much in me so I just went to the closest place, the closet.

It fitted me and as I sat down I just started crying like a child who got some bruise from playing, I didn't even know how much time I had been crying but it felt like an eternity.

I was shaking crying my clothes soaked from tears.

I didn't even hear Lizzie going to our room and just opened the door, I gasped but she just hugged me, I thought she was gonna say something bad or something but thank God she did not. Instead she made me calm down and helped me get out of the closet and get to our bed, she carefully sat me down and went to get some water cause I was hiccuping.

And after some time she finally spoke.

"What happened."

Nobody's pov-

"What happened" Lizzie said directly looking at zen who was still speechless from crying for so long.

But Lizzie decided to apologize to zen for ignoring her this whole time for some harmless prank.

"Listen zen, I'm sorry for ignoring you for so long for some harmless prank.
I was out of my mind really and I wanted to do it because of what you did to me on my birthday. I- I'm sorry again zen I hope you can forgive me-"

Lizzie was not able to finish what she was saying because zen already hugged her and Lizzie let her this time because zen deserved it being treated like the person she is.

"I hate you for doing that, but I guess i deserve it" zen said voice hoarse from the crying a little chuckle which Lizzie replied to " so apology accepted?" "Yes, but promise me to not do that again hmm?" Lizzie responded with a little nod.

As they got apart they smiled to each other and just embrace them selves together again, falling asleep thankfully still friend's.

A/N- woah hi I'm back I just got a writers block if that even is a thing but anyways I am back now and hope you guys enjoy this new chapter 😀 stay safe everyone;)- xy out


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