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Even though it's light outside now, you're tired because you didn't really slept that night. But still you have to speak with your brother first to clear this thing.

Tom noticed that your eyes got heavier with every minute as he looked over to you. But never less you held your eyes open until you finally reached Tom's mansion. You got out of the car and picked out Natalia who is still sleeping.

You entered the Villa after Tom who gets greeted by his little daughter Aurora. She came running to him as he squatted down and took her in his arms to give her a little kiss on her head while she buried her face for a short time in his neck before she backed away again a little.

"Where were you daddy?" Her sweet little angle voice asked Tom who still held her by her back to his body.

"Well you know y/n?" He asked pointing at you with his finger behind him on what Aurora nodded her head.
"I helped her with a little problem." Tom explained to his daughter which is smiling now at him.

While these two have this little moment, Harrison came to you and leaded you to a bedroom to put Natalia in bed after he caught you starring with a little smile at Tom and Aurora.

"He may be a little stubborn and act like an asshole but he got his soft spots and this soft spot is not just torwards Aurora." Haz told you on the way to the bedroom, you wanted to ask him about his other soft spot but than you already reached the room and lay Natalia down, so that she can sleep a little more.

As you came to the basement you opend the door to reveal your brother still tied up on the chair with two man standing behind him and Tom beside him who looks at you as you enter.

You made a hand move to the guards to leave which they did and closed the door so that it's just you, your brother and Tom.

"Why." You sighed as you stood infront of your brother who got a little dry blood on his face.

"I came home from work to find Antonio and his little minions in my livingroom. He said that he would kill my family if I don't lead him to you." He started to talk but you waited for him to continue which he did with a sigh.

"I didn't wanted to do it, you have to belive me. He showed me a live Video of my wife and child who were tied up in a small room and tape covered their mouths."
He explained to you with grief and guilt in his eyes, you knew by that point that he is telling the truth about that.

You sighed and asked
"Why didn't you tell me you have a little family?" And frowned your brows but with a cold expression of your eyes.

"I thought that they would be in danger if someone knows about them who is in the mafia." he admitted quietly which makes you scoff at the fact that he doesn't even trust you, his own sister.

"But it's all gone well now.." this Was the last sentence he spoke before you lost your temper. You looked straight in his eyes with nothing but anger and walked up to him while screaming at him.

"È andato tutto bene!? Mia figlia sarebbe morta ormai se quel bastardo caricasse bene la sua pistola, e tutto per colpa tua!"

(All went well!? My daughter would be dead by now if the bastard loaded his gun right, and all because of you!)

And slapped across his face with all the Power you had left and breathed heavy as you walk away from him with your hands in your hair and eyes closed.

"Didn't knew you still take it.." he said provocative on what you look at him again ready to slap him again but instead you pressed your eyes and lips togheter and formed your hands in fists to calm yourself down before you walked out of the room with heavy and fast steps.

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