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"Tom what is it?" You asked as you entered the guest bedroom where Tom was staying.

He sat on the bed, turned to the Panoramic window, looking down on the illuminated city. He just shook his head lightly, you alsmost couldn’t even see it.

You closed the door for more privacy, walking up to him with slow steps. You sat beside him and looked at the City with him.

"What happend earlier?" You asked him but didn't look at him, not wanting to rush him to say anything.

There was a silence until he spoke up.
"Nothing happend really." He said but in a very low voice and his voice wasn't that strong anymore as it is normaly. You knew something was up and you wanted to help him.

You sighed soft and looked at him now, seeing him still looking forward, out of the window.

"You were suddenly so quiet as Lorenzo told about the ball." You said to get an awnser from Tom.

Now he was the one who sighed and he looked down on the floor.
"I'm going to see my father there..." he said, playing with his fingers.

"This is going to be the first time I'm seeing him after we..broke up. He always pretends everything is perfect between us when other mafia's are around but in reality, well... you know that." He added and looked at you as he said 'broke up'. He looked so sad but tried not to Show it, not to give you more stress.

This was a habit Tom always did, he tried not to give his problems to you because he thinks that you have already enough. Well you do but you would never not want to help Tom.

"And how I know him there are definitely other mafias present." He said through glitten teeth and with a disgusted face.

And again there is a silence, you didn't knew what you should do or if Tom explect something from you now or if he would exept your word right now.

But then you decided to just put your hand on his shoulder which made him look to you
"We can just not go, if you want." You said with a little smile on your face, which made him copy it.

"You know we can't do it, it is our ball after all, we are the leader of our Mafia's." He sighed and looked on the floor again.

You didn't want him to worry anymore or at least didn't want him to think about it until the time has come to go there. So you stood up and infront of Tom. You put two finders under his chin and pressed them up.

Tom had to look at you now and as he did you said "We are both in this shit. As you said it is our ball, so we can decide what we do there." You smiked a bit, of course it isn't that easy and also Tom knows that but you just tired to cheer him up a little.

It worked as a little smile formed on his lips, you didn't knew what happend in that moment or what made you do it but suddenly you lean down a bit and placed a long and soft kiss on his forehead.

"I won't leave your side, il mio bel ragazzo." (My pretty boy) you whisperd against his forehead as you felt his hands coming around your hips, softly holding you close to him.



Tom is since a week at his home again.

And today is the day of the ball.

You make yourself ready for the ball right now. Hair, make up and the outfit. Marie does your hair while you finish your make-up.

You just put mascara, lashes and eyeliner on by yours eyes. You did your eyebrows and put a nude tone on your lips on which you apply lip gloss ontop so that they shine beautifully.

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