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Over the last few weeks, David always came with you to your Office and also with you around the house when Tom wasn't visiting.

Even though David wasn't in near you when Tom was there, it still pissed him off that he is in the same house as you.

But not only Tom's reaction did you noticed. Divid also reacted weird when Tom was with you.

He would go out of the room if you would enter it with Tom. His jaw and fists clenched everytime Tom put a hand on you or kissed you.

You always tried to speak with him but Tom said that you should leave it to David himself.

Also since that dream, it always comes back, not the same but still a wet dream.

One time you woke up, covered in sweat, as Tom woke you up.

"Y/n?" "Darling wake up." You heard a soft voice speaking to you while Davids mouth explored your body.

Your eyes shot open and you looked shooked at Tom who is laying beside you on the bed.

An other dream. You thought to yourself as you looked down on the bed.

"Is everything okay my love? You mumbled some almost screams into the pillow. Did you have a nightmare?" Tom asked you while pulling you up to his chest.

You nodded your head in 'yes' not daring to speak at the moment.

You felt bad for not telling Tom about it, you are feeling bad for even dreaming something like that with David and not with Tom.

Tom is the cutest of them all since you first kissed again at the ball. He really holds his promise, he really is trying to make it work which made the whole thing even more harder for you.

You holding against Tom's chest by his hands, laying in bed, feeling guilty.


But one day you where in your office, ready to leave with David.

You are excited to go home today because Tom said that he would come to you today.

It's been over a week that he was with you. And also before that week he was a bit on distance, didn't came as often as at the start.

But you didn’t had time to worry just for now because you are going to see him again.

While you and David stood in the elevator, you could cut the tension between you two with a blunt knife. But you wouldn't do anything with him.

Because at first he is your employee and you have forbidden yourself to start anything with your employees. And second, you are on the way to fix your relationship with Tom even though it is not really good at the moment you still think you two make it.

The tension got a bit better in the car as you sat in the back and David was driving.
You grew tired since it was already night time.

But as you were watching David, he didn't seem to be tired not even a little bit, well Yeah he is driving he has to be awake but still this man have to be tired at some point after standing infront of your office door for about eighteen hours.

"You did quiet long today." David suddenly said from the front, eyeing you through the rearview mirror for a short moment before turning his gaze on the street again.

"Yeah well there was a lot of paperwork and a lot of things I had to get clean. It-" You awnser him while looking out of the window. You break your sentence in half when you see something conspicuous on one of the low buildings.
But before you could react the bullet shot at your window.

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