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♥ Third person P.O.V ♥

"Papa?" A small, white-haired girl asked the abyss. She looked around the cave she has lived in for who knows how long. She walked out until she could feel the sunlight burning her ivory skin. She sighed walking out further looking everywhere awaiting Ehecatl.

Ehecatl, A large, White dragon with yellow and blue scales. The dragon who brought in the little girl from a burning village. Most of the village was destroyed by a demon. Mika never figured out where it came from or what it really was but she knew it was the bane of her existence. Now that her only parental figure has gone, she couldn't help but hold onto the necklace tucked inside her shirt. The necklace was the last thing left from the missing father. Other than the taught magic, nothing proved he was even real.

Tears spilled from the little whitette. She cried as she walked away from the place she had called home for many years. She looked back as she got a few feet away. She whispered a phrase she never thought she'd ever have to say "Goodbye, Ehecatl."

"Hi!" A voice came out from behind her. The girl screamed and jumped. The owner of the voice was a lean little boy. He had a big smile on his face as he looked at the girl. She looked the male up and down before smiling slightly at him. She hadn't really smiled since the day Ehecatl vanished. It had been 4 years since then and all she was doing was running around, stealing, doing whatever she could to survive.

"I'm Natsu" The pink headed boy said as he stuck out his hand. "Mika" The girl replied shortly. She took his hand and shook it. He smiled a little and asked where she came from. She shrugged "I need to go. Thanks for talking to me." He nodded his head not really wanting the girl to go. He thought she was mysterious but wanted to know more about her. He was 15, and on a job alone when he came across the other 15-year-old girl. He had an intrusive thought and acted on it. "Do you have a guild?" He asked her.

She sat there for a good minute before asking the unexpected question:" What's a guild?" The pinkette widened his eyes at the question. "A guild is a Family. We risk our lives for one another" he said with another smile. The girl shook her head as a 'no' and Natsu thought of something. "How about you come with me and if you like it, maybe master will let you join?" She nodded, she had nothing better to do and was hopefully going to go in and leave. She was always a people pleaser and had to agree. She could never say no to Ehecatl. "Okay! Follow me. We'll be walking to the guild." He said heading off with his arms in his pockets.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Natsu said enthusiastically. He looked at the female who seemed bored. He opened the door and yelled a little. Most people welcomed him back and others ignored his loud antics. Mika walked in and stood there for a few seconds. A few guys ogled at her but she ignored their creepy stares as she was underage. She headed to where Natsu was. She looked around at the wooden building with many, many sitting places. she looked ahead at a small man. White hair like hers but was receding. He had a blue and orange outfit on and a smile on his face as Natsu explained how he met her.

She walked up next to him and bowed slightly. "Thank you for having me in your guild." she said as she was bowed. Most of the members who were watching her were surprised with her actions as most of the people who enter never show that much respect. With the respect shown, Makarov decided she was going to join the guild. He smiled at the female and grabbed the stamp and asked her if she wanted to join and if so, where would her mark be. She nodded slightly not really knowing what she was getting into and said: "I would like it on my left upper arm please." Makarov nodded and put it on. The mark glowed slightly and crated a pretty yellow color. She smiled slightly and thanked the master.

She was now an official member of Fairy Tail and had no idea what was to come.  

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