Chapter 20

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Mika gave Wendy a haircut, Lucy watching intensely just in case she ever needed to do it on someone. She was pulling the girl's hair back up into her pigtails. Wendy started talking about how peaceful it was, Carla telling us to soak it in as it is rare for the guild to be this quiet. "We're not that bad." Lucy said, as Natsu made some noise while sweeping, getting mad at Happy who was taking a nap on a stump. "Happy. No slacking!" He yelled at the cat who woke up, talking about his dream of a giant fish, before starting to fall back asleep.

The two started fighting a little, that Happy was supposed to be Natsu's partner and that he was doing all the yard work. Lucy asked Mika how she deals with them, while watching them bicker immaturely. "Not sure. They both just listen to me." She said to the other girls she was standing with.

Gray walked over, hearing the partners fighting, asking why they were doing as such, "and I'm saying that cat should help!" Natsu yelled, the said cat being over by the girls trying to talk to Carla. "Wow, it's been 7 years and Natsu hasn't changed one bit. Still a brat." Max said, the whole guild starting to come outside from all the bickering. It got to the point where Max and Natsu were going to fight.

Natsu ran at Max, fist ablaze missing a hit as Max kicked him in the stomach, then punched him in the face. Max told Natsu that they didn't just sit around for 7 years, that they all worked on their fighting skills. Max sent an attack at Natsu, who blew it away, the sand all coming towards where Lucy, Mika, Happy, Carla and Wendy were. Natsu went in with an iron fist and Max put up a wall, declaring he was a whole lot stronger than he used to be. Natsu got mad, and turned on his lighting flame dragon mode, sending a roar towards max and clearing out a line of the trees.

"When did you figure out you could use that technique?" Mika asked the older male who only shrugged, "Just now." Max surrendered, Natsu turning around to ask the other boys who were next to fight, none of them agreed, Natsu laughing then falling onto the ground in exhaustion, Happy and Lucy telling him that that scale of an attack was bound to use up a lot of energy.

Carla asked why Twilight Ogre was able to bully the remaining members of Fairy tail for so long, if they were stronger. Natsu was still on the ground as Gray sat on a small cliff, telling the others that they had a serious problem on their hands, that Laxus and Gildarts are still the powerhouses, but everyone else was still asleep for 7 years.

The group ended up at Porlyusicas, who groaned at seeing the group, then slamming the door in their face. Lucy and Natsu were asking if she had anything that they could use to make the group stronger. Porlyusica chased the group away with a broom, like an old hag would.

Mika lay on the ground next to a sitting Natsu as Gray leaned up against a tree, Wendy sitting on the ground, Carla fine, Lucy over a log, and Happy laying on Mika's back. Lucy asked whose idea it was, which it was her idea. Wendy started tearing up, Causing Mika to sit up and move Happy to her lap asking Wendy why she was crying. The group tried to comfort her, all believing that the old woman scared her and made her cry.

Wendy explained that the woman's voice and scent were so like her dragon, Grandeena. The group asked what she meant, and how that could even be possible. Wendy said she couldn't explain it, only that she just seemed familiar. Natsu turned around and said that they should ask Porlyusica what was going on, But Mika grabbed his hand causing him to walk back as Gray told him that if Porlyusica was the Human version of Grandeena, then some things don't add up.

"Well first of all, all three of your dragons vanished without a trace at the same time." Lucy started mentioning Gajeel's dragon shortly thereafter. She also mentioned that it was 14 years ago when the dragons disappeared, and Gramps and Porlyusica knew each other before that period. So, they were around at the same time. The topic got onto how Grandeena was nice, Lucy and Gray not believing a dragon could be nice.

"Igneel / Ehecatl were usually pretty nice." Mika and Natsu said in unison. "Sorry if my attitude offends you." Porlyusica said, scaring the shit out of the group. Wendy walked up to her as the older woman was about to tell the big secret. She was human, not the dragon that Wendy claimed she was. Natsu asked why she hated humans so much then, "Because they ask too many questions." "Sorry."

The topic got onto Edolas, that one could argue that Porlyusica was the Edolas version of Grandeena, causing Natsu to ask if Igneel, Metallicana, and Ehecatl would have human counterparts in Edolas too. Porlyusica has no idea, having never encountering them. Porlyusica was able to talk to the sky dragon though, and that she was able to help Wendy, and only Wendy out. She gave Wendy a book, full of different spells that Grandeena never got to teach her.

The door opened to the group being back, Macao and Romeo bickering to one another. Max asked if we gained anything, but only Wendy did. Macao and Romeo continued fighting, everyone gathering around on why Macao was forbidding something. The old members all put a hand up in protest, Romeo explaining we had the Tenrou team with us this time.

"So, what exactly are we talking about doing or not doing here anyway?" Natsu asked as he stood Next to Mika watching the verbal fight. Romeo told him that while they were on Tenrou, a tournament started to determine the strongest guild, The Grand Magic Games.

If we can beat Sabertooth and win the games, the Fairy Tail will be the strongest Guild again. Makarov told the guild that they were in, going to join the games.

Natsu stood on a table with a fist, saying he was going to beat Sabertooth, getting down and asking when it was going to happen. 3 months' time, 3 months for the Tenrou team to get stronger and win the Games. 

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