Chapter 15

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Wendy had been hiding not too far from the fight, just in case anything were to happen. Mika and Natsu thanked her and told her not to push it, as she was still weak. Their injuries would be okay. Wendy refused, wanting to help. Wendy tried to heal the two of them, but it not working. "I-I can't heal you," Wendy said as she started to cry. Mika comforted the girl, mentioning how both her and Natsu's dragon items had turned black. Mika and Natsu took off their possessions, letting Wendy do her magic, successfully. Mika put her necklace back on with a sigh as Wendy healed her. 

Natsu and Mika were sitting by a log, talking with Wendy about the scales that appeared only minutes prior, Natsu smelled something, and stood up abruptly, Pulling Mika with him. Mika only shrugs and bids farewell to Wendy and the exceeds. "I smell a scent that I smelt while on Galuna Island." Mika knew about the Galuna Island situation, It was all she heard about from Erza for days. 

Natsu's dumbass slips on a leaf, sending him down a hill and almost throwing up. Mika just climbs down the hill laughing her ass off until she sees the boy from earlier and another girl. The girl introduced herself as she grew a tree to get away from them for a minute. Natsu mentions that she is the one with the scent. "Are you here for Zeref too?" "No," Mika replied quickly helping Natsu off the ground. "I won't forgive you," Natsu said, running towards the tree that Ultear was perched upon. Ultear uses her power, to flash forward, to stop Natsu from climbing the tree. Mika and Natsu were now on the defensive side.

Nearby, Lucy was fighting Kain, a member of Grimoire Heart that uses voodoo. Natsu protects Lucy from a fatal hit, both of them asking why they were there. They teamed up, Natsu yelling at Mika to let her know as she stayed put, Staring at both Zeref and Ultear. Ultear and Kain start fighting the group, Kain telling Ultear to take Zeref to the ship, which she obliges. Just as Mika was about to grab Ultear, Lucy was yelling about being twisted. Kain had gotten ahold of Lucy's hair. Kain was forcing Lucy to fight the two dragon slayers, and Mika mentioned to Natsu that her power level was higher due to her being controlled by the doll. Natsu pats Mika's lower back, her moving out of the way as Natsu and Lucy fight. Mika becomes a ninja as she sneaks up on Kain, Getting the doll and throwing it to Natsu after he subdued Lucy. Mika went on the defensive in case Kain decided to fight back. The minute Natsu gets the doll, He is covered in rocks and boulders. Kain completely ignores Mika as Lucy cannot move and is crying, just wanting to be together with the guild. In a split second, Lucy throttled Kain, Throwing fire punches toward Kain, as Natsu merged his magic into the Lucy doll. Natsu, who managed to get his hand out of the rubble, threw the doll to Mika, who made Lucy perform a flaming drop kick dubbed into Kain, knocking him out and defeating him.

Mika laughs as Lucy tries to pull Natsu out of a boulder. Lucy stops for a second staring at the bright white scale on his neck. Mika used her air to move the boulders as she calmed down. Lucy looked at the female and saw red scales. "What are those?" She asked the two, pointing to their necks. "Our mate marks." They replied to her before saying they were going back to where Wendy was, deducing that Ultear took Zeref and neither Slayer could track them due to a scent blocker.

As Mika, Lucy, and Natsu arrive at Wendy, a magic council officer teleported in front of them. He then tells everyone that he's here to help by taking everyone away from the island. Everyone present, however, refuses. Despite the convincing argument from Doranbolt, Natsu still refuses, saying that he will take care of anyone who dares to oppose the Guild

Mika basked in the rain for a minute that showed up. Natsu looked at her as if she were glowing. Flying in the rain storm, Carla returns to report to the others about the status of the Fairy Tail members at the camp and the location of the enemy's airship. Lucy suggests that they go to the camp as well, and quickly supports the idea. Natsu then turns to Doranbolt and tells him to stop the council for them, along with Lucy and Wendy saying that they will take care of Zeref and Grimoair Heart. Despite Doranbolt's protest, the group remained obstinate towards their decision and headed out. 

Mika and Natsu were roughly explaining the scales to Lucy as they walked. Natsu made a stupid joke making everyone cringe a little until a man was in front of them. Mika cocked her head as Natsu demanded the identity of this man. Bluenote, with a whiff of his hands, increased the gravitational force around Natsu's group, effectively immobilizing and damaging them at the same time. Bluenote then asks for the location of the grave of Mavis Vermillion. The only reason Mika was affected was because she was caught off guard, she probably could have fought against the pressure as controlling air is her forte. Bluenote demands that the group take him to the grave. "I'm serious, I have no idea what you are talking about," Natsu says, groaning at the pressure on his body. Bluenote makes his gravity pressure worse, making Mika actually groan. Bluenote notices Makarov and asks him to take him to the grave. 

As Bluenote begins to walk towards the group, Cana's cards come flying out of nowhere. Cana immediately attacks Bluenote with her cards, only to be repelled by Bluenote's technique. As Cana charges up Fairy Glitter, a surprised Bluenote uses his gravity to force her to lose her balance. While Bluenote expresses his awe at what that Magic could be, Cana apologizes to Lucy about her actions but proclaims that she will defeat Bluenote if it hits him. Lucy is happy to see her and asks if she got that Magic from the grave. Natsu, however, isn't exactly as happy because of the trial. Cana tells him to forget about that for now and requests him to buy some time for the Magic to charge. Before she could finish, however, Bluenote uses his Magic to push everyone away.

An angry Gildarts arrives

Bluenote is disgusted by the fact that Cana got the Magic that he was looking for. However, he is happy to take the Magic away from her. Cana explains that only the members of the guild can use the Magic, not someone like him. Bluenote, however, starts to explain the origin of Magic, and as he levitates Cana, he explains that the one that's closer to the origin of the Magic can use any kind of Magic. He taunts Cana that it's an extremely powerful Magic that collects and concentrates the light of the sun, moon, and stars and that someone like her can't use it. As Bluenote is about to kill her, Natsu, who is still under the effect of gravity, launches a roar towards the ground and strikes Bluenote with it. 

Seeing Bluenote distracted by the attack, Cana takes the opportunity and fires Fairy Glitter. The attack, however, is parried onto the ground, and Bluenote further taunts her about her Magic and her Fairy Glitter. Cana is stunned by the fact that he is still standing, while Bluenote explains that he can extract the Magic by killing her. However, just as Bluenote is about to succeed, shows up and blasts Bluenote away from Cana. Gildarts and Bluenote begin to fight and both Mages are evenly matched. Gildarts then tells Natsu and the others to leave so that they will not be caught up in the fight. Natsu complains, wanting to see them fight but the others manage to bring him with them as they carry an unconscious Makarov with them.

Every Fairy Tail mage seemed to collapse in a split second. Azuma, a member of grimoire heart, breaks the tree, draining everyone with the fairy Tail Isginia, Only to have them back and in good condition only a few minutes later. Mika had a feeling it was Erza's doing for some reason. The group headed back towards the camp seeing injured comrades and a defeated Rustyrose. Wendy begins to heal everyone but the exceeds and Mika advises her to regain her magic power, and everyone will be okay. Pantherlily told everyone where the airship was and Levy suggested breaking apart and half of them went towards the ship. Natsu stood up suddenly, putting his hand out for Mika, she took it, standing up with him. Mika smiled at Lucy who stood up, the three of them obviously going to the ship. Wendy asked to go, Making Mika a little worried but nonetheless, agreed. 

Natsu and Mika were holding hands, squeezing everyone in a while for comfort. They eventually meet up with Gray and Erza, both giving a weird look to Natsu and Mika before putting their game face on. Standing on the top of his ship, Hades says that it comes down to engaging against his opponent and that the play between the Demons and the Fairies has come to its finale. Staring down at his opponents, Hades challenges them, the third generation of Fairy Tail.

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