Chapter 4

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♥ Third person POV ♥

"What the Hell is that?" Mika asked as a giant shadow had covered the group that was at the edge of a cliff. Everyone had looked up into the now black blob that covered them. Within a split second the Ship flying above them was blown to pieces. Everyone had yelled and gasped as the ship who they now know was named Christina, went down quickly, crashing into the forest below. The group looked out below before they were thrown back by the wind. A low and guttural laugh rang in everybody's ears. The minute they looked up, six people were in a line. Mika immediately knew who they were, the group they were after, The Oracion seis.

No-one really knows what happened but within a split second, Natsu and Gray were beaten to the ground, Lucy is barely standing holding her behind confused on why she spanked herself. Sherry and Lyon were also on the ground as if they had lost their balance. Erza was in the air fighting what looked like a snake. Mika was Hella confused as the tornado she created went around the sleeping man. She cocked her head for a split second before she was on the ground. Seconds, maybe minutes pass and the only one standing was Erza. The older looking man with a staff mumbled two words that the dragon slayer could barely make out. A big green and black ball was about to destroy the group before it disappeared. The older man who Mika guessed was the leader looked at the giant boulder next to them and said something about the "Maiden of the Sky". The younger girl hiding behind the boulder was sucked into what looked like a vortex. Not only did Wendy get sucked up but Natsu's best friend was too. The older man who they found out the name of, Brain, was ready to finish off the group but Jura, previously defeated by Gemini, had intercepted the spell.

Ichiya released some Parfum that would heal everyone's wounds. "Happy is gone I need to go find him" Natsu said worried for his best friend. Carla, Wendy's exceed was about to say something before Mika had put her hand on Natsu's chest and looked him in the eyes. Natsu looked at the hand stopping him and looked into Mika's eyes. He looked away for a split second and then looked back. He was slightly confused as he never had a problem doing that. "I get your worried for Happy. Trust me Natsu I am too be right now we have a bigger problem." Mika said moving her hand and motioning towards Erza who was up against a tree holding onto her purple dyed arm.

Erza stole Lucy's belt and was begging someone to cut her arm off. Lyon crated a Sword and was about to take her arm off before Gray stopped. Mika slightly zoned out before speaking up. "Carla, how come Wendy smelt like a Dragon?" Everyone looked at her first and Natsu looked like he was in pain but apparently, he was thinking. "Wendy can Heal Erza." Carla said not answering Mika's question at first. "She is the 'Maiden of the sky'. She is the Sky dragon slayer." Carla finished explaining why 1, She was kidnapped and 2, Why she smelt like a Dragon. Natsu's mouth dropped a little and Mika had gone next to him. "If You, Me, and gajeel are dragon slayers, there has to be more than us three. Think about it, we don't know how many dragons there were. "Natsu nodded slightly looking at her before looking back at the white cat. "Here's our plan."

"Can you tell us more about Wendy's dragon slayer magic?" Natsu asked the small Exceed. Natsu, Mika, Gray and Carla were in a group heading towards where they believed Wendy was. Hikibi and Lucy had been left to guard Erza as she didn't have the strength to defend herself. "Wendy volunteered to meet you and Mika." Natsu's Ego had inflated a little and Mika could tell he looked proud. "Her dragon, Grandeeney, disappeared on July 7th X77 and she was going to asked you if you two had any ideas about where she could've gone and if yours also disappeared. "Mika nodded understanding and confirming that was when her dragon left. As the group was walking in silence, A guild who called themselves 'Naked Mummy' was about to ambush them before Natsu, Gray, And Mika stepped in. Mika laughed a little at the stupid guild name and conjured up a few Vortexes which sucked many members in and threw them far away. Natsu punched people with his flames and Gray mainly froze people. The fight was quick and easy as the members weren't as strong as Mika thought.

Mika was crouched Infront of the 'leader' of Naked mummy and was asking about where the Oracion seis base was. The leader kept quiet so Natsu just knocked them out. Mika flicked Natsu's forehead thinking they could try to get other useful information. They left the guild tied up in the forest as they continued walking.

"Is that it?" Natsu asked quite loudly into the cave. Mika put her hand over Natsu's mouth as they were trying to be stealthy. They looked at each other in the eyes before Mika narrowed her eyes as she heard something rush by. Gray had pushed the two out of the way and engaged combat with Racer. Mika wanted to jump in but Gray yelled at them to go why Racer was occupied.

The three walked farther into the cave and Natsu rushed towards the blue headed man that was in front of them. Jellal, the name she learned by Natsu screaming it, had knocked Natsu out with a spell and even accidentally knocked out the leader, Brain. Jellal had left leaving Natsu, Mika, Wendy, Happy and Carla. Mika used her wind to carry Natsu behind them as Happy was crying a little because he was slightly traumatized in Mika's arms. Carla took it upon herself to Carry the worn-out Wendy. Natsu quickly woke up and got off the small vortex carrying him. Mika was slightly confused on why he didn't get sick but shrugged it off as they say Gray and Racer going at it. Racer rushed towards and knocks out everyone but Mika and Natsu. Gray, who was already behind them yelled for them to go as he unleashed a spell. "Ice make: Rampart" Mika looked back for a second as they ran towards where Erza, Lucy and Hikibi were staying.

"Natsu? Mika?" A voice said in their heads. Natsu looked at a tree and asked if it was talking. "No Natsu, Hikibi is using his Archive magic to talk to us." Natsu looked confused and in a second a Map was sent into their heads. The two headed towards the star on the map. Mika was holding the two Exceeds and Natsu was carrying the small girl.

"Hey." Mika said seeing Lucy and Hikibi. Hikibi nodded at the female and guided Wendy to the older poisoned female. Wendy and Erza were talking about random things as Erza lied on her back and Wendy above her. Mika sat against a tree and slightly felt the ground rumble. She touched the ground wondering if it was just and earthquake of something else. The minute Mika touched the ground, A bright white pillar seemed to start gathering darkness from the surrounding area shot up from the ground. Some black machine peeked up from the ground and it towered above the trees. Within one split second, this whole group knew that the Oracion seis had completed their mission.

Nirvana had been raised and now, things were going to get real.  

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