Chapter 6

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♥ Third Person P.O.V ♥

"We should just beat it until it stops." Natsu said looking at the group. Gray scoffed as Natsu lit his hands on fire and put them together. "We can't defeat it through brute force you pyro." Gray said "Its huge." Everyone sits and ponders for a moment before Jura spoke up "What if we just ask Brain when he becomes conscious?"" Do you really think that the one person who wanted this to happen would tell us how the hell to stop it?" Mika said towards the tall male. "I've lost my battle with midnight. The only way to stop Nirvana now is defeating midnight. He is located under the king's room. Please. Defeat him. Hoteye out." a voice ran out through all the members heads. They all look at each other and nod ready to head towards the enemy.

"What the hell is that light?" Lucy had asked noticing a light surround them within the dark room. They all got in a stance until Jura shouts "It's a trap!" Once that little phrase got out of Jura's mouth, an explosion erupted and most went flying. Jura and Mika had both tried to protect them however, Jura had pushed Mika behind him and she went flying. She, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Happy were all unconscious for a minute or two. When they awoke, they noticed two things; Wendy and Carla were gone, And Jura had passed out due to the impact of the explosion.

"Well, Well, Well. What do we have here? Fairies stupidly falling for a telepathic message?" A voice said towards the group. They turned around and noticed the staff that Brain had never left from his side. "You were told that there were 6 members of the Oracion Seis but, there were 7! I Klodoa am the 7th member." Within a split-second Mika had gone behind Klodoa and Natsu Infront. Natsu grabbed the staff and started banging it against the ground demanding on why Nirvana was heading towards Cait shelter. "Stop- Banging- Me- On- The- Ground- and- I'll-tell-you" Klodoa said in-between hits on the ground. Natsu looked at Mika and she nodded before putting the Staff in an Ice Cage. "Talk." She demanded. The reason why the Nirvana is heading for Cait Shelter is revealed: Cait Shelter guild was formed by the descendants of the Nirvit and that they are attacking Cait Shelter because the Nirvit can still seal off Nirvana once more.

Mika lifted the cage off the talking staff and it immediately went for attacking. Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Happy and Mika before he stopped. The group all looked at each other confused. "He is coming." Klodoa muttered. "Who is that? Talk you little gremlin." Mika demanded. "Brain -The leader of the Oracion seis- has two personalities. The second one, rarely out, Is a fearful and sadistic individual. He goes by Zero and loves to destroy anything and everything in his path. Because of the destructive nature, Brain had him sealed away with a certain kind of link magic. The magic would fail if all members of the Oracion seis were to fall."

The group looked at each other for a few seconds before someone who looked like brain but with pale skin, Blood red eyes, and long silver hair. Klodoa ran towards Zero and bowed to him addressing Zero as 'Master Zero.' "I am Guild Master of Oracion seis." Zero stops talking and Points towards the group. "I will destroy you for the mess you made of my guild. Zero looks towards Jura and starts walking towards the unconscious man. Gray attempts to shield Jura but is easily picked up and Thrown across the room, hitting his head, knocking him unconscious. Natsu, Angry as all hell, charges towards Zero. Natsu was also defeated easily and knocked unconscious only by one hit. While this short fight was happening, Mika had hidden behind a pillar to gather some of her magic power. Lucy and Happy hugged each other and was quickly defeated. Zero was about to leave before Mika attacked the unsuspecting man. "Storm Dragon: Oxygenation" Mika made a box with her fingers and sent the invisible box towards Zero. The Box, now attached to Zero's head made him have trouble breathing. This attack lets Mika seal an area off of oxygen. Zero starts gasping for breath and Mika runs towards him, not knowing that zero was aware of her presence the entire time. Mika ran to land a hand on his abdomen for her insignia, as she did, she was kicked out of the way hitting her head on the wall at a big impact. Natsu and Friends were all defeated.  

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓶 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷| ɴ. ᴅʀᴀɢɴᴇᴇʟOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant