Chapter 19

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Natsu walked with Mika as they both wanted to take a job. "It's been too long; Let's get back to work." Natsu said to Happy and Mika as they stopped at the board. Happy grabbed one and handed it to Mika, saying they should give this one a try. Natsu looked over her shoulder, reading Velveno and 4,000,000 Jewels. Mika remembered that Gray almost took this one, leading Happy to explain that the reward was only 400,000 Jewels at the time.

Natsu said the name of the contractor, Count Balsamico, causing Macao to rise and explain Velveno is rumored to appear the magical ball Balsamico family is hosting. Wakaba chimed in, explaining that the family only hosts this ball every 7 years, and only wizards are invited.

Happy and Natsu were running to take it, until Mika spoke up about it being a ball and dance moves were needed.

Happy and Romeo were sat on a pair of bleachers, Wakaba and Macao next to the couple who were trying to learn to dance. Mika beconed him closer, and he didn't complain, knowing that they would be touching. They moved okay for a minute until Natsu stepped on Mika's foot, him apologizing profusely.

Soon enough, Mirajane, Kiana and Gray all joined.Gray asked if they were playing a game, Mika yelling at him that it wasnt a game. Gray, trying to piss Natsu off, grabbed her after taking his shirt off and asked to play around with her. She kicked him off her, him flying away.

Juvia came outside, "If You have to strip down to dance with Gray, I am more than willing.!" She yelled taking her jacket off. The couple tried to get back to their dancing until Erza appeared, saying she used to be known as 'The Dancing Demon'. Erza requipped into a gown and started twirling Natsu around. Natsu was on the ground, well until Lisanna started to twirl him around.

Elfman was calling him a wuss until Erza forced him to dance. Wendy being asked to dance as she said that she wanted to try it.

Happy got a wish – To dance with Carla.

Eventually, the whole Guild was dancing. Just what did this couple start? Natsu and Mika chuckled at the thought of them starting a ballroom dance party.

Mika, Happy and Natsu walked up to the doorstep of Count Balsamico. Gray, Wendy, Carla, Erza, Warren and Elfman all joining in after the dancing practiced.

The door opened up revealing a girl, Saying we were early, causing Gray to explain we were here to see the count. Warren talking in our heads, talking about her beauty and ugly name causing Mika to smack him to shut the hell up. Erza explained what they were there for, the job request, causing the girl to take them to the count.

Happy sat on Mika's lap as They met count Balsamico, getting a rundown on the job. Basically, The daughter is to get her future husband tonight and the family brings out an heirloom, Balsamico is worried that Velveno is going to try to steal the ring. Erza asked about his face and how it would be hard for him to get past security. Balsamico explained he uses transformation magic and also uses magical drain

Mika finsished her hair, after getting dressed into a black floor length dress that had a slit up the side and a pair of black heels. She walked out seeing Erza and Wendy, the girl wondering if she looked okay, causing Mika to tell her she looks adorable. Mika stood waiting for the boys as Happy, Warren, and carla were outside serveying.

Wendy pointed towards the boys, the three walking towards them Erza getting picked up by a guy Warren telling Natsu and Gray to tail them, until he was twirling. A man approached Mika, asking to dance, which she obliged too. Natsu and Gray went to check on her, Natsu grumbling as he agreed. They were about to until two girls approached them, forcing them to dance. Elfman got approached, making her suspicuous as they didnt run away. Natsu and Gray got the two girls off of them and went to check out the gemale Elfman was dancing with.

Warren told Elfman to switch out with Gray, The white head refusing and declaring he was a man, until Natsu sent a punch towards him and Gray got to the woman. He asked her magic, her using maker magic, the same as Gray. He made a Kite and the crowd watched and started clapping. The two had an ice make battle until Erza stopped it.

The daughter was walking down the stairs next to her father, all the men swooning over her. She walked over to Erza and asked for the first dance. Mika turned around to Natsu stuffing his face. Wendy got asked to dance by another little boy. The clock struck Midnight, meanign the ring was to now be presented. Most of the men started running towards the ring, wanting to propose.

Warren and Happy checked out something they saw in the cameras, a boy, the same boy Wendy was dancing with, tied up.

Warren warned her, Velveno transforming as he jumped away, using her sky dragon roar, taking the ring with the air. Natsu was on a platform witha fist on fire, he was bout to hit a fire dragon iron fist when Velveno copied him, the two connecting and there was an explosion. The two let out a roar, colliding once again.

The two landed, Erza walking forwards to declare she was to fight and that Gray and Elfman were to protect the daughter. They both requipped to purgatory aurmor. The man told us that he had copied evey power from the Fairy Tail members that came to this shindig.

Natsu walked towards him, ready to use brute strength until Velveno said he didnt want to brawl, that he's waited 7 years for this. The two had known each other since they were kids, and He was madly in love with her. Velveno told everyone that everytime he tried to visit, that he was just trash and was thrown out back to the street. He started to believe what Balsamico was saying, and turned to a life of crime. The only reason he broke out was to come to the ball, to profess his love for her.

He walked towards her, getting on one knee and asking that one question every girl wants to hear. She agreed, confusing Fairy Tail, as she said she'd been waiting her whole life for the day he'd come back. She wanted one thing from him, to turn himself in and go the time from his crimes, which he agreed, putting the ring onto the designated finger.

Everyone clapped, everyone swooning, except Natsu, over the declaration of love.

As Velveno was taken by the wizard council, Erza and the daughter started Dancing, causing everyone else to start dancing as well. Mika looked up at Erza and The daughter dancing as Gray and Natsu stuffed their face. She was talking to herself about how she would like something like that, until Natsu said her name.

She thought he was going to say something sweet, no. He told her he ate so much that she might have to roll him home. Mika ignored him, Grabbing his hands and forcing him to dance as they went up on a platform, the Troia spell wearing off on both of them but they tried to push through it, honestly like dancing together.

The two wound up lying on the platform, being forced to get carried.  

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