Chapter 8

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♥ Third Person P.O.V ♥

"It feels so nice to not get sick." Natsu said calmly as he looked out the window. Mika smiled lightly at him. "Your right." He turned his head to her and smiled his bright smile at him. He turned back to the window as did Mika taking in the scenery they rarely get to see because they are throwing up. After everything that happened with Cait shelter, Mika was happy to head back to the guild. Everyone in the other guilds headed back to their guild on good terms with Fairy Tail. While on the train, Lucy made contracts with Gemini, Scorpio, and Aries. Mika watched as she made her contract as if she'd never seen one happen before.

The guild became quiet as a small blue-haired girl and her cat walk in the building Infront of the other six. Erza quickly explained what had happened while defeating the Oracion Seis and Nirvana. Master, being drunk, threw a party for the new recruit. Wendy looks around seeing all the friendly faces and people and is ecstatic to actually be here. Gajeel mutters at the pole hes standing at enough to where Mika could hear him as she didn't want to get in the middle of the fight Natsu, and Gray had gotten themselves into. "How come I don't have a cat? Natsu and Wendy have one." "I don't have one either Gajeel" Mika said after hearing what they had said. He grumbled and walked away leaving Mika by herself. She smiled to herself a little. She was never really there for things like this. She was glad to finally be back and didn't plan on leaving alone again.

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"What's that ringing?" Lucy asked Natsu. "Gildarts is back." He said with a small smile. "Who's Gildarts?" Wendy asked. "Isn't he supposed to be the strongest Fairy Tail mage?" Lucy asked. Mika Nodded while sitting down with a small piece of cake. "Why is the guild acting wilder than ever?" Mika asked Mirajane as she walked by. "Because he was doing the 100-year quest. He hasn't been back in 3 years." Lucy looked at Mira in amazement. "What's his magic?" She asked Mika as she saw her pushing Natsu's hands away from her cake. "Crush. He can destroy anything he touches." She spoke.

"Dumbass" Mika said as Natsu jumped up. Gildarts had just walked in and Natsu was ready to fight him. Natsu was quickly defeated with just a punch. Gildarts went and talked with Makarov while Mika chuckled at that encounter. Once Natsu came to, Gildarts came to the table and told Natsu to come to his house with happy because he had something to tell them. Gildarts looked at Mika for a second and said, "You should come too." He smiled a little and walked out after accidentally destroying a wall.

"What do you think he wants us for?" Natsu asked both Happy and Mika "Maybe he has fish" Happy said slightly foaming at the mouth at the thought of the food. Mika shrugged. "I don't know but I Just expected him to ask you to come over only." As they get closer to the house, they noticed the tall man waiting for them. "Natsu, What's your relationship with Lisanna?" Natsu's eyes widened slightly before Mika spoke up. "She passed 2 years ago." Mika and Lisanna were as close as Natsu and Lisanna, but they were still friends until she was old enough to go on jobs by herself. It was mainly Her, Natsu and Lisanna in their own little world.

"If that's all you wanted to say We'll be leaving now" Natsu said as he grabbed Mika's hand ready to pull her away. "I met a dragon." That one little sentence brought so much hope to the pair that they turned around quickly. "It was a black dragon. It made be forfeit the 100-year job." The duo's hope faded slightly in that one second by hearing the word black. They wanted to hear Red or white. Natsu turns quickly and starts running forgetting the hand that was holding onto Mika. She starts running with him "Where we are going?" She asked as if nothing serious was going on. "That dragon might have leads on Igneel or Ehecatl" Gildarts quickly stopped them by standing Infront of him showing severe injuries that came from the dragon. "No human could ever defeat that dragon." He spoke. Mika could feel heat radiating off him and off his hand. "Were dragon slayers for a reason." He then ran off still holding Mika's hand.

The last thing Mika remembers is walking in the rain with Natsu and then everything goes black. She gained consciousness and could feel the heavy weight on her body. She busted out of whatever she was in and noticed Natsu had just done the same thing. Natsu helps Mika out as Carla flies over talking about a burden. "Happy and I are from a different world." She says quickly. Mika pinches her arm to figure out if this was a dream or something. "What just happened was because of a problem in Edolas, Our homeland." Mika blinks at the white cat as all of this soaks in. "The magic in Edolas is starting to disappear, so they created anima to transfer magic from the earth land to edolas." Carla gives them a few minutes to let that information soak in. "We were sent by the queen to carry out some sort of mission. Tomcat forgot about the mission, and I chose to abandon it." Mika, Natsu, and Wendy look at each other and nod knowing exactly what to do. Save everyone.

"It's really a beautiful place." Mika said as she saw almost the whole of Edolas. The cats and Mages find themselves in a storage building with convenient disguises. They dress up and see a building with a Fairy Tail Guild Mark. Natsu runs towards it everyone else follows. A blondie from the guild notices the pink haired pyro and pulls him into a hug. This confuses the other four as within a split second, hes getting bullied. A voice that Both Natsu and Mika missed dearly makes them tear up slightly. They hear and see Lisanna. "Stop bullying Natsu." She said before turning around "Jet. Droy. Stop picking on Elfman." Natsu and Happy jump on Lisanna before being stopped by the Lucy of this world. Mika, Carla and Wendy had eventually realized that this is a parallel world and these members of fairy tail are not the ones they know. A door bursts open making the attention go to them. A man that is probably in the real guild says something to stir up trouble. "The Fairy Hunter has Arrived.

"Why are we being attacked?" Mika asked whoever would answer. "We are the only remaining magic guild in the world and are considered a dark guild." A voice said. She turned around and noticed an entirely different version of Wendy. "Transport is ready" Edo-Levy said. "Wow." Natsu says noticing were in a different place now. "What happened?" Wendy asked. "The one who attacked us was the Royal Army captain Erza Nightwalker. A.K.A Fairy Hunter Erza." Mika's mouth fell wide open on hearing that.

Earth land Fairy tail had just finished explaining who they were and where they came from. At first, The Edo-Guild didn't believe them. After looking at Natsu and Mika up and down, they noticed they don't act like their Natsu and Mika. "Where are we?" "And why?" Natsu then Wendy asks. "Magic here is limited. The king disbanded all the guilds to keep the magic to himself. Those who resisted, got crushed by the royal army until Fairy tail was the only guild left."

"What the hell is that?" Natsu asks. Earth land Fairy Tail was walking to the capital until they got stopped by this giant frog thing. "Storm Dragon: Motion Blast" Mika says as she puts her hands out to push the monster away. When the Frog doesn't move, she looks at her hands and starts running with the other four. The monster was defeated Quickly by Lucy Ashley. "Going to the capital without magic is suicidal. I'm coming with you guys."

The group of now six arrived in the town of Louen. "Magic trading was banned by the kingdom and that all magic here comes from lacrimas." Lucy Ashley takes the group to a black market and buys two magic items. The group sits at a table in a café chatting about earth land lucy until they are discovered by guards. Natsu tries to use his sword but as they have shields, it doesn't work. Wendy, somehow using her magic, pushes them away, giving the group a chance to hide in a shed. They hear someone talking about capturing a Fairy Tail member. They deduct it to Earth Land Lucy. In a quick second, Scorpio shows up defeating the guards. The group gets out of the shed. "Mika! Natsu! Use your magic to defeat them." She says after seeing the two. "We can't use magic Lucy." Mika says as Lucy summons Aries.

The group is now taking shelter in the shed. Lucy quickly explains how she got here but has no idea how she can use her magic while the other three cannot. "Are you guys serious about fighting the royal kingdom?" Lucy Ashley asked. "I will fight the guards because I'm Fairy Tail's strongest mage." 

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