• P L A T F O R M 9 A N D 3 / 4 •

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September first, nineteen seventy-eight. Today I would start my sixth year at Hogwarts and Merlin, I was excited. Spending the summer at Malfoy Manor was dreadful, although I got to spend it with my best friend, Lillian.

The Manor was so bland and mainly built from bland concrete and marble. My father was moving around a lot, due to his disagreements with the ministry so we never stayed anywhere for too long.

Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy's engagement party was just the week before and no matter how grand it was you could truly see the the defeat in Narcissa's eyes. I felt so sorry for her, as much as she would deny it she looked up to her sister, Andromeda. She had the strength to stand up for her own beliefs and leave her prejudiced family behind to marry a Muggle-born named Ted. 

Me and my sister packed, her being in her last year was more than exciting for her, it meant she could do real work for Father. She strongly believes in blood purity just like dear old Tom. I, however, didn't much care for it. If I were to ever speak out loud about it though I surely would be killed by my own father so I just went along with it. I could tell he was starting to gain suspicion as I would come up with an excuse every time he wanted me to participate in meetings, which made going back to school even more appealing.

My sister, Nyx, was the most beautiful girl by far at Hogwarts. All the boys would swoon when she walked past and she had every single teacher wrapped around her finger. She was definitely like a celebrity. Everyone either wanted to fuck her or be her and for that I was forever. I always came second to her, I even overheard my father one night talking about how he was so glad to have Nyx but when mother became pregnant with me he was beyond disappointed.

My father blamed me for her death as she died giving birth to me. I was a constant reminder to him of her and what he had lost, especially since I was an absolute carbon copy of her. Her name was Celeste Greengrass. Her father had married her off to our father in agreement to purify my fathers blood-line but from the whispers I heard she more than hated him for his hypocritical ideologies, given my father is only a half-blood, but that never stopped my father from loving her.

I believe he truly snapped when she had died, and with her gone he had no one left to refrain him from getting even more power and building his own army of what he likes to call Death-Eaters. On our fourteenth birthdays we received the dark mark and it was excruciating. I remember it as if it were just yesterday.

"Father, please don't do this!" I begged as he dragged me by my wrist down the dimly lit corridor.

"You will comply just like your sister and that is an order" he seethed.

We reached a large black wooden door and he flung it open revealing a medium sized concrete room surrounded with figures in black cloaks and silver masks. He threw me to the ground and I sat on my knees holding the wrist he had his grip on in agony.

Tears streaming down my face, he dragged me up onto my feet by my collar when I noticed Nyx stood in front of me with her own cloak and mask, I could tell it was her from how her black curls seeped from beneath her hood.

"Nyx, please, he can't force me to do this!" I screamed at her but she just stayed silent.

She grabbed my left arm, turning it so my wrist would face upwards and my father stepped to the side of us holding out his bone-like wand. He placed it onto my wrist and whispered an incantation which I couldn't hear. Within second my wrists felt like it was on fire.

"HELP ME PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs in pure agony but no one shifted. They all just stood there staring.

Soon the pain withered and all that was left was the slight stinging of the mark. I dropped to the floor holding my arm to my chest sobbing uncontrollably when I heard a manic cackle from the side of me.

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