• P U R E - B L O O D A F F A I R •

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All three of us woke it with the most mind-fucking headaches we had every felt. I sat up in my bed to look at the girl across the room with her head buried in her pillow just like Regulus had done.

"Where did you go last night" Dorcas whined as she held onto her head in pain sitting up from the bed.

"The astronomy tower, do you really not remember us coming back?" I chuckled and she shook her head.

I looked to the floor where the very empty bottles of whiskey sat and it made a lot of sense how we ended up in this predicament. I pushed at Regulus a little too hard to get him up but it resulted in him rolling over and smacking onto the floor next to the bed.

"Shit, I'm sorry" I tried to hide a giggle as he groaned on the floor in pain.

He hopped up from the ground in a stance with his hands on his hips, which me and Dorcas giggled towards his stupidity as she covered her eyes. He tore the sheet from off of me and I rushed to cover myself poorly.

"Ew, why are you both in your underwear, did you guys have sex with me in here?" She gagged at the thought.

"No, we had sex in the astronomy tower" Regulus replied very smugly.

"I need to go and erase that detail from my head and get rid of this headache" Dorcas moaned, standing up from the bed.

I grabbed Regulus' wand from the night stand and flicked it towards the bed, turning it back into a sofa. She grabbed her things and waved good-bye towards us as she exited the room. Regulus climbed onto the bed on top of me, placing his hands either side of my hips and his legs parting mine slightly from between as he planted a kiss on my lips.

"Do you care to join me on a trip to Diagon Alley today" He questioned which I furrowed my brows towards.

"I guess, but what for?" I asked the boy.

"Well we can't just go about the rest of the year sharing my wand can we" He chuckled, planting a kiss on the top of my head.

"I'm pretty sure my father has cut me off from the family funds and I still haven't spoke with Euphemia about theirs" I chuckled.

"My parents haven't cut me off just yet" Regulus smirked.

He planted his feet on the floor next to the bed and pulled me up to stand. He did a little skip towards my now full dresser and started to throw items of clothing my way.

"I can't wear this, it's still snowing" I chuckled as I looked towards the very skimpy outfit he had thrown my way.

"Good thing I'm going to let you wear this" He had then thrown a large jumper from his own drawer that he had moved his clothes into.

I changed out of my underwear from the night before and pulled on a new pair of knickers. I pulled on the green pleated skirt and black tank top, tucking it into the short skirt. I then pulled Regulus' very baggy black jumper over my head that had his initials stitched onto the right of the chest. I tucked part of the jumper into the skirt messily and then held up the very inappropriate stockings questionably.

"You expect me to go out in these?" I raised an eyebrows to him.

"Fine, dress yourself" He huffed in defeat.

I walked over to my dresser and pulled a pair of wooly thigh high socks and paired it with a pair of black dragons hide boots and a long black blazer style coat to keep me warmer.

Regulus had dressed in a very smart black suit, without a tie, and a matching black button up shirt underneath. I grabbed my purse and we left the room hand in hand and made our way out of the castle towards an apparation point next to the forest.

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