• P R E F E C T ' S B A T H R O O M •

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We sat down in the library and I took out a few of my potions textbooks and laid them out on the table. McGonagall had popped her head in to make sure we were there and shared a quiet word with Madame Pince, clearly to make sure we stay in here for the next few hours at the least.

Regulus pulled some parchment from his own bag and dipped his quill in some ink and start reciting the textbooks onto his parchment. I turned the textbook to the everlasting elixirs page and started telling him some facts so that he could write them down on his parchment.

It baffles me that he even passed his O.W.L.S to make it into advanced potions because from the looks of things he didn't have any idea what any of this meant.

"How's Amber doing?" He questioned lowly whilst writing out different ingredients for an everlasting luck potion.

I huffed, crossing my arms over my body and leaning back in my chair. "You really upset the girl, not that I care, but you probably could've broken up with her another way other than spunking on some girls chest in front of her"

He chuckled and laid down his quill, turning to me. "You and I both know for a fact she wouldn't have listened if I tried to break up with her using my words" he raised an eyebrow.

"Anyways, you're one to talk, you still hang around her and anyone with more than two brain cells can tell you hate each other" he mentioned.

"She's friends with my friend and that's all there is to it" I motioned for him to carry on copying out the textbook onto his parchment and he obeyed.

A few hours had passed and he must have recited more than half the text book by now with me adding in pointers for him to take down with his notes. Madame Pince motioned towards us that we could leave and so we started to pack up our belongings.

I stood up from my chair, swinging my dragons hide satchel over my shoulder and he did the same. We exited the library and made our way towards the dungeons.

"So, you coming to the party on Friday?" He questioned and I scoffed.

"Do you really think my sister would allow me to get paralytic amongst a bunch of seventh years, including her friends?" I questioned him.

"I'll have a word with Nyx, she should be okay with it. A bunch of sixth years are coming anyways" he did a slow run in front of me, spinning around and walking backwards in front of me.

"Fine, but I'll be bringing my friends" I told him and a smile grew on his face.

"I still don't like you though, you're bad news" I told him as he muttered the password to the common room and pushed the door open with his back.

The rest of the week flew by pretty quickly and all we heard from Amber's mouth was debating what she should wear to win Regulus' attention back or asking me if he had mentioned anything he likes whilst we studied in the library.

It was Friday evening and Regulus had just finished copying a third text book word for word. We started to pack up our belongings when I noticed many silver rings adorning his slender fingers.

"Nice rings" I mentioned and he looked down at his hands with a smirk on his face.

"Don't get too big-headed, they're just rings" I scoffed, rolling my eyes and slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"The room of requirement" he mentioned and I looked at him with confusion.

"Seventh floor, left corridor, that's where the party will be after curfew." He informed me and I nodded me head to him.

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