Fifth Burn

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"Let go of me, Sayaka!"

Kirari Momobami looked at the door with interest after hearing the noises outside. By the looks of it, her twin and her secretary was in a middle of the screaming match. The two burst in the room with Ririka not having her mask on.

She was in a middle of a student council meeting when the two burst in the room. Ririka looked absolutely livid. The older twin grabbed her sister's wrist and dragged her outside.

"Oh this seems interesting." Midari snickers.

"Popcorn anyone?" Runa asks.

"What do you think you are doing, Ririka?" Kirari asks, hiding her annoyance.

"Apologize to her." Ririka spat, knowing Sayaka Igarashi was nearby. She then turns to the students council secretary. "You are dismissed."

"Only the seito kaichou can dismiss me, madam vice president."Sayaka said as she stood her ground.

"This is a family matter, are you part of the family, Sayaka? The last time i checked you are not a Momobami either by birth or marriage. "

Sayaka Igarashi then shut her mouth. Kirari stepped forward and faced her twin sister. "I consider her family, Ririka. I am dating Sayaka." she reveals.

The platinum haired président's révélation caused quite an uproar on the members present. They suspected there was something gping on woth the president and secretary, however, they did not expect Kirari to admit it out loud.

Unknown to many, Y/N Moon had witnessed the scene unfold in front of her. A single tear fell from her eye as Kirari Momobami acknowledged her relationship with Sayaka. Kirari had caught wind of her presence before running out of the scene crying.

Surely, she had seen Kirari be affectionate towards Sayaka yet her acknowledgement made it 10 times more painful than usual.

"How dare you suggest such a lewd thing? Y/N carrying your child with Sayaka? Have you lost your mind sister?" Ririka whispers.

"Its her punishment. *Kirari merely stated.

"Punishment for what? For something that she cannot control? You cannot shield her from the press, Kirari!"

"I dont give a shit about the press, why does she have to hang out with Juraku?! Its a fitting punishment. The thrill of losing something that we potentially worked hard for."Kirari chuckles.

"Do you want to lose your position as the clan head? If she told them, if this fails, you fall. Treat her like a damn human being Kirari." Ririka grabbed her sister by the collar. "I dont want to replace you as the clan head, sister. This is the last time i will hear you disrespect her."

The Momobami twins had caused quite a commotion as the members of the student council were watching by the doorway.

"Who are you to order me, Ririka?" Kirari asks. "As far as i can remember, i am thr head of the househol-"

"I am your older sister before you were appointed as the clan head, Kirari. Dont use it as a way to weasel out of this situation." Ririka cut her off. "Apologize to her this instant. And you..."

Ririka turned to Sayaka who had her taser out. The eldest Momobami twin could only scoff at the insolence Sayaka Igarashi displayed.

"Know your place. Do not delve into the matters that does not or will not ever concern you."


Y/N Moon kept an eye on Kirari, who was skimming over the student council papers. Her wife was so engrossed in her paperwork that the platinum haired president didn't notice Y/N leaning against her shoulder.

Aish, she's so workaholic, Y/N thought.

Kirari cautiously removed the head that was leaning on her shoulder when she finally saw it.

"If you're feeling sleepy, go upstairs and sleep on the bed…" she muttered.

Y/N paid her no mind and continued to watch her wife. "I prefer it this way..."

Kirari leaned away and whispers. "You don't have to overdo it. We are in my office, our fathers will not snoop around."

The door opened and the student council president immediately pulled the Moon heiress closer to her. It was the Momobami's butler.

"Young Miss's, dinner is served and the masters are requesting your presence."

At the dinner table, the Momobami and Moon clan ate their dinner silently until it was Y/N's mother who broke the silence.

"Maeri, i would like to extend my gratitude for helping my daughter adjust to your school when the twins are busy." Ha Yoon Moon, Y/N's mother tells Mary.

The blonde haired girl in pigtails could only blush with the compliment. "Y/N is my friend and we do everything to make her feel comfortable. Your daughter is in good hands," Mary attempted to converse in korean.

"Such a thoughtful young lady, do you agree, Momobami-san?" Y/N's father addresses Kirari and Ririka's father.

"Why of course. I see why my eldest daughter is in love with Ms. Saotome."

Y/N could breath a sigh of relief when it was not her and Kirari to be put on the spotlight of conversation. It was short-lived after all as her mother decided to probe in her relationship with a certain blue eyed president.

"How is married life for the two of you?" Her mother asks.

Y/N was about to answer when Kirari Momobami beat her to it. She had figured out that it was best if Kirari did all the talking for once.

"I would be quite frank with you, eomeoni." Kirari addresses the elder woman. "Married life is something Y/N and i will get used to. However rest assured that my wife and i," the platinum haired president grasped Y/N's hand and squeezed it as a sign of affection.

"We are beggining to love and care for one another."

Y/N knew it was a lie yet her mother seemed to be satisfied with Kirari Momobami's answer. The Moon heiress could feel Mary's disgusted emotions to see Kirari act so lovey dovey.

"Have you decided on the IVF Procedure?" Y/N's father in law asks.

"Yes, father." Y/N answers. The word father seemed to taste bitter in her mouth as she addressed her father in law. "Kirari and I will undergo the procedure after graduation. Kirari and i agreed it's best if i carried the child since its much more convenient."

"Do not rush, my child. Take your time to enjoy your marriage with Kirari." Her mother advised. "You should be comfortable with it each other on a certain level before trying to have a child."

Kirari smiles in appreciation. "That is a lovely advice, eomeoni. We shall keep that in mind."

Mary and Ririka both kept their comments to themselves. It was the only way Kirari and Y/N shall survive with their nosey in-laws. A perfect relationship was established in order to keep their places as the heiress of their respective clans.

It was their only way.


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