The Twentieth Burn

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"If i could hold your hand, i'd never let you go again."

Kirari stood at the podium as she delivered her eulogy to Y/N's wake. The funeral, as expected was in a somber mode. Some of them looked genuine yet the Momobami clan head could clearly see who was hiding their true intentions.

"I would have never left an empty space in such words in replace then maybe they would not have taken you from me. If i could only let you know, I'd always loved you so."

The clan may have berated her for showing her emotions yet at that moment, Kirari could care less about pleasing them anymore. Her gaze fixates on the girl on the wheelchair who was sitting near the middle. She was dearly reminded how she lost her wife in a single gamble. Terano Totobami avoided her gaze, guilt creeping up to her.

"And the things i most regret are the words i never told you. May you rest in peace, Y/N."

Kirari Momobami had placed a single flower of asphodel, in contrast of the white roses the others had given. Her regrets follow Y/N Moon to the grave.

Kirari Momobami awoke abruptly.

It was all a dream.

In the solitude of her office in Hyaokkou, Kirari Momobami was left with the thoughts of her wife. Unfortunately, she had to leave too soon in order to avoid making a scene. It was the ending she cannot escape after all. The Momobami clan head guessed that her heart did knew before yet her mind wanted so much more. It was not until her wife nearly slipped through her fingers that she realized that the life she was living was far from fair.

It was so cruel that she had come so close yet she had no choice but to let her go. The platinum haired president did not expect that it would hurt her as much as she did not know. Y/N stood out in every crowd, she had never failed to put her trust in her wife.

If only they could rewind.

No goodbyes were left behind, she did not even realize what they had until time was stolen from the two of them. She could remember how the events played out that fateful night:

Sachiko had pulled the live wire from the two glass boxes a split second before it could electrocute the two girls. The blonde haired woman removed her blazer jacket before plunging in the water to retrieve the Moon heiress at the bottom of the glass enclosure.

"Call an ambulance, Ririka!" Sachiko said the moment she reached the surface. "S-She's not breathing!"

The blonde haired woman laid the unconcious Moon heiress on the ground. The Juraku heiress had checked for a pulse within 10 seconds and found nothing.

"Come on, come back, Y/N." Sachiko whispers while she delivered CPR to the Moon heiress.

"Sachiko..." Kirari began.

"Get out of my sight, Momobami. This is all your fault." Sachiko sneered.

With that being said, Kirari slowly backed away from the blonde woman. A part of her felt guilty for ever choosing to harm her wife. The Momobami had come to her senses at thr wrong time.

" I-I'm sorry... "


The platinum haired president was taken aback when Sayaka had engulfed her in a hug and she resisted for a moment. Ririka had emerged with the paramedics behind her.

"Has there been any pulse?"

"N-No. I administered CPR already and still no signs of breathing nor pulse." Sachiko reported.

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