The Twenty Third Burn

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Sachiko escorted Y/N to the Moon résidence after they had been pampered in the spa. The four of them were having dinner together with Y/N's parents.

"Yobo, why does the surname Juraku familiar to me?" Y/N's mother asks.

The Moon patriarch stopped eating and sighed. "When the family was planning for Y/N's arrange marriage, Ms. Sachiko was the second choice i have for my daughter if ever the Momobami's declined."

"Yet we became best friends," Y/N smiles and underneath the table Sachiko had squeezed her hand.

"The two of you can still explore since it is a Friday night. You have 2 days until you are expected back at Cheong A." Y/N's father remarked as they ate their dinner.

After eating, Ha Yoon Moon, Y/N's mother pulled Sachiko aside as her daughter was distracted with bonding with her father.

"Sachiko-san." Y/N mother takes the young blonde's hands and gently squeezed them in gratitude. "Thank you for looking after my daughter. I, am glad she has friends outside her circle. I was always worried for my Y/N since she always bottles everything up. I am entrusting my daughter to you."

Something about Ha Yoon's words made Sachiko wonder if Y/N's mother was aware of what's going on.


"Let it out," Sayaka said as she placed a bottle of liquor on Kirari Momobami's desk.

"Sayaka." Kirari protests.

"The sooner you forget about her, the better. You are not the only one suffering." the student council secretary took the platinum haired president's hand. "We need you. Hyakkaou needs the seito kaichou, this isn't you. You are not a crying mess, Kirari."

"Its not like i could forget my wife in by drinking liquor Sayaka. It's not that easy." Kirari remarked.

The student council secretary could only sigh. Kirari Momobami was proving herself to be the hard-headed president she knew.

However, she had not expected Kirari to pour herself a glass of liquor and drank it. "However, it's nice to unwind once in a while."

A few hours later, Kirari Momobami had deemed herself heavily drunk. Sayaka only took a few sips of liquor as she knew one of them had to be sober enough.

"Y/N..." Kirari moans. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

The président and her secretary's, clothes were discarded as Kirari had thought Sayaka was the Moon heiress. Sayaka could only endure Kirari's roughness when she was fucked by her. The student council secretary could feel her boss's anger and frustration. Nonetheless, she persevered as she craved Kirari's touch as well.

"Y/N. My buin, i love you." Kirari whimpers as she laid on Sayaka's chest.

Sayaka Igarashi could only sigh. Suddenly, it was Y/N all over again. The student council secretary could not understand how Kirari seemed to have treasured the Moon heiress's presence despite being with her only for a short amount of time.

"I once remembered reading a book to you when we stayed up late in the academy one time. Do you remember what i told you? You probably wouldn't remember the exact lines of A Thousand and One Arabian Nights since you fell asleep on me." Kirari drawls on.

The One Thousand and One Arabian Nights was a familiar story for the student council secretary. According to the tale, after learning of his previous wife's infidelity, Shahryar planned to marry a new virgin every day and have her murdered the next morning before she could dishonour him.When the vizier ran out of noble blood virgins, he offered his own daughter, Scheherazade, as the king's next bride. The bride had outsmarted him by telling stories and leaving him hanging near the end.

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