Fifty Fourth Burn

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Y/N's eyes fluttered open, blinking against the harsh light of the infirmary. As her senses slowly returned, she took in her surroundings, recognizing the familiar sterile scent and pristine white walls of the academy's medical facility.

Her heart raced as memories of the terrifying ordeal flooded back, the sensation of drowning still haunting her every breath. And then, as if on cue, Midari Ikishima appeared, her intense gaze locking onto Y/N with unnerving intensity.

"Juraku-san, she regained consciousness."

Midari's voice cut through the tense silence, informing Sachiko of Y/N's awakening. Y/N's gaze flickered towards Sachiko, her expression a mix of fear and disbelief. How could Sachiko stand there so calmly after what she had done?

"W-What happened?" the Moon heiress asked.

"You had a panic attack underwater. You were doing just fine but then you suddenly began thrashing around." the blonde haired woman tells her sympathetically.

Sachiko's explanation fell on deaf ears as Y/N struggled to process the events that had led her to this moment. A panic attack underwater? It didn't make sense, not when she remembered Sachiko's hands around her neck, squeezing the life out of her.

Before Y/N could voice her doubts, Kirari burst into the room, her presence commanding attention. The intensity of her gaze bore into Sachiko, demanding answers with a fierce determination.

Y/N's heart clenched with a mixture of relief and apprehension as Kirari approached, her protective instincts kicking into overdrive. She wanted to believe Kirari's reassurances, to find solace in her embrace, but the doubts lingered like shadows in the back of her mind.

Kirari's eyes narrowed, her gaze piercing as she turned her attention to Sachiko. "What really happened, Sachiko?" Her voice held an edge of authority, demanding answers.

Sachiko maintained her composed facade, her expression unreadable as she met Kirari's gaze. "As I told you, seito kaichou, Y/N experienced a panic attack underwater. It was a sudden occurrence, and I did my best to assist her."

Kirari's skepticism was evident in the furrow of her brow. "A panic attack?" she repeated, her tone incredulous. "How convenient that it happened while she was with you."

Y/N listened to the exchange, her heart pounding with uncertainty. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Sachiko's involvement than met the eye.

"I assure you, Kirari, I had no ill intentions," Sachiko replied smoothly, her voice unwavering. "Y/N's safety is my utmost concern."

Kirari's gaze lingered on Sachiko for a moment longer, a silent challenge passing between them. Her eyes frifted towards the blonde woman's arms and she could have sworn her arms were covered in half moon scratches.

Finally, she turned back to Y/N, her expression softening with concern. "We'll discuss this further later," she said gently, a note of reassurance in her voice.

Y/N nodded silently, the weight of the situation settling heavily upon her shoulders. As Kirari and Sachiko exchanged one final glance, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that tensions were simmering just beneath the surface, threatening to boil over at any moment.

Kirari's grip tightened on Midari Ikishima's shoulder as she pulled her aside, away from the others. "Midari, I need you to write up an incident report," she instructed, her voice low but firm. "Include every detail, no matter how small."

Midari nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Consider it done, seito kaichou," she replied, her tone serious. "I'll ensure that every aspect of the incident is documented accurately."

Kirari's gaze held a steely resolve as she met Midari's eyes. "And I want this matter investigated thoroughly," she added, her voice leaving no room for argument. "I need to get to the bottom of what really happened."

The eye patched girl's face turned grim as she nodded in agreement. "Understood, kaichou," she affirmed, her tone resolute. "I'll make sure that no stone is left unturned."

With a final nod of acknowledgment, Kirari released her hold on Midari's shoulder, allowing her to carry out the task at hand.


Kirari guided Y/N up to the student council room, her arm wrapped protectively around her waist. With each step, she could feel the tension radiating from Y/N, a silent reminder of the ordeal she had just endured. As they entered the room, Kirari ushered Y/N towards a comfortable chair, urging her to sit and rest.

"We heard what happened, Moon-san. Are you okay now?" Yumemi began, the moment the Moon heiress sat down on one of the council's meeting chair.

"Take your time," Kirari said softly, her voice laced with concern. "You need to rest after what you've been through."

Y/N sank into the chair, her breathing still ragged from the panic of nearly drowning. She looked up at Kirari with gratitude in her eyes, silently thanking her for being there. Other members of the council flocked her and asked about her welfare.

"That sounds so scary!"

"Did you really drown?"

"Enough." Kirari said, her voice cutting through the chatter like a sharp knife to a butter. "Let Y/N rest for a while. I would appreciate you all to not bombard my wife right now. She needs rest."

Inside the office, Kirari closed the door behind them, shutting out the outside world for a moment of respite. She motioned for Y/N to take a seat on the plush couch, while she poured them both a glass of water.

"Here, drink this," Kirari said, handing Y/N a glass. "It'll help calm your nerves."

Y/N nodded gratefully, taking a sip of the water and feeling its soothing effects wash over her. She leaned back against the cushions, letting out a long sigh as the tension began to melt away. Kirari took a seat beside her, their shoulders brushing against each other in a comforting gesture. "You're safe now," she reassured Y/N, her voice gentle yet firm. "I won't let anyone harm you again."

She had fallen asleep on the couch and was only woken up by the soft chatter. The lights in Kirari's office were dim yet she could make out that it was Midari Ikishima that Kirari was speaking to. The Moon heiress deduced that the eye patched girl was the one handling the incident earlier.

It was weird as Midari seemed to have gathered the evidence earlier than usual.

"The thing is, seito kaichou, the CCTV in the swimming area near where the incident happened was not working"

Y/N's ears perked up at Midari's revelation. The absence of functioning CCTV cameras near the swimming area seemed like a glaring oversight, especially given the importance of security within the academy. She exchanged a quick glance with Kirari, noting the furrow in her brow as she processed the information.

Kirari's voice remained calm as she addressed Midari. "And why was that, Midari?"

Midari shrugged nonchalantly, her one visible eye glinting with mischief. "Seems like a stroke of bad luck, seito kaichou. It's not often that the cameras malfunction, but it just so happened to coincide with today's little incident."

Y/N's mind raced with possibilities. The timing of the malfunction seemed too convenient to be mere coincidence. Was someone deliberately tampering with the cameras? And if so, why?

Kirari's expression remained unreadable as she absorbed Midari's words, her mind undoubtedly working through the implications. Y/N knew that Kirari wouldn't take this revelation lightly; she was too meticulous and strategic to overlook such a glaring security breach.

𝚋𝚞𝚛𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 | kirari momobami x female readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon