The Seventh Burn

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"She is part of the Bami clan, Sayaka." Ririka explained. "Although i am not in the liberty to say how or why. Kirari and I are her family and i do hope you'll treat her with respect."

Ririka was well aware of the tension between the two women in Kirari's life. Y/N had shot her a look.

"Ô-Oh, of course, Miss Vice President. Miss Moon..." Sayaka excused herself.

Once a safe distance from the two members of the Bami clan. Sayaka Igarashi knew it in herself that there was more to Y/N Moon than what meets the eye.

She was going to uncover the truth no matter what.


"Y/N Moon-Momobami."

Two figures spoke within the darkness of the room. The hooded figure held up a photo in the pale moon light. It was a stolen photograph of Y/N with Yuriko Nishinotouin within the grounds of Hyakkaou Private Academy.

"Are you sure she's the key to Kirari Momobami's downfall?"

The other person could only chuckle in delight. Turns out, the Moon heiress was secretly watched by the two individuals who wished to take down the Momobami heiress.

"There is two, actually." the other person added. They placed a picture of a certain purple haired student council secretary. "Sayaka Igarashi, Kirari Momobami's secretary. The seito kaichou values her as well."

"When do we make our move?"

"Oh honey, i am just getting started. How about tomorrow?"


"I'll make sure all the documents you need will be on your desk by tomorrow morning, seito kaichou." Sayaka said as she made her way to the entrance of the academy where the limousine was. Y/N was trailing behind her since she would be riding with her wife and Mary and Ririka were going out on a date.

"Of course," Kirari acknowledged as she placed a hand on Sayaka's cheek and her secretary sanks lovingly into it.

Can you two stop with the PDA? Y/N groans internally.

To make matters worse, Kirari had willingly kissed her secretary in front of her wife in order to infuriate Y/N Moon.

"You look a bit flustered and red, Sayaka." Kirari notes. "Are you alright?"

"K-Kaichou... Honestly i-i d-don't feel good." Sayaka mumbles before falling into Kirari's arms unconcious. The student council president had cradled her secretary with such care the Moon heiress did not know Kirari Momobami could ever possess.

"I'll bring Sayaka to the infirmary first. Go ahead, Y/N." Kirari said as she hoisted her unconscious secretary in her arms.


"Not another word." the platinum haired president said icily before she retreated to the infirmary with Sayaka in her arms.

For a moment, Y/N felt a pang of jealousy blossoming within her. She had longed for moments that Kirari wpuld choose to care for her more than her secretary. That longing was slowly eating her up and driving her crazy.

"Let's go." Y/N mumbled to the driver before getting into the car.

As they drove out of the academy, she gazed out the window of the limousine, idling and watching the buildings pass by. Many of the gardens were blooming, making the scene even more stunning.

Y/N drifted off shortly after they got on the freeway, envisioning herself within Kirari Momobami' side, her heart longing for the familiarity of the lady she had married. Her seatbelt pushed her back into her seat with a violent jerk.

𝚋𝚞𝚛𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 | kirari momobami x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now