Where did she go?

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Ricky, Gregory, and Katie were at the park, their usual place to hangout. They sat at a bench under the cabana

"I'm hungry!" Gregory groaned.

"Let's go get food then! Katie you stay here." Ricky said.

"But guys you know I hate being alone" Katie said sadly.

"we will only be gone for a bit it will be okay I promise" Gregory said softly.

As Gregory and Ricky walked away Katie started to sob.

"Why is it always me?" she said while crying.

Katie was a very sensitive person, she cried lots. Ricky and gregory tried not to ever make her upset, but usually Ricky was the trigger to her starting to cry. He never did it on purpose but that's always how it played out.

She cried and cried. Her breathing was shortening and almost impossible to breath, she passed out.

( 15 mins later )

"I can't wait to eat this! Flimflam burgers are the absolute best!" Gregory said exited to eat.

"Wait, where's Katie?" Ricky asked.

"Uhh I don't know, maybe she went home, she's really sensitive. She probably just went home." Gregory said.

"Well, we should drop off her food maybe give it to her parents?" Ricky said questionably.

"Sure! let's go" Gregory said.

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