The forest

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Ricky and Gregory got back to the camp and packed their backpacks with water, bandages, flashlights, food, and more.

"Are you ready for this?" Asked Gregory

"Course' I am Remember what I told you? I'm buff I can beat anything" Ricky said confidently

Ricky and Gregory made their way into the forest. Gregory had his bat and Ricky had his shotgun.

"Dude are you even allowed to own a shotgun? your only 14." Gregory asked with a smirk

"No, but are you allowed to beat people to death with a bat at 13?" Ricky replied with a giggle.

"Touché" Gregory smiled

They were walking quietly until they heard a noise. Gregory instantly pulled out his bat, Ricky tried to get out his shotgun but couldn't reach it, but he would reach for was Gregory's hand. Ricky felt safe holding his hand. Gregory noticed but had to sweep it off, he wondered if the noise was Katie. Gregory wanted Katie back more than ever.

"It was probably nothing we should keep moving the sun is going down" Ricky said

"Mk.." Gregory replied

They kept moving and slowly they departed hands. Ricky was terrified of the woods, he lied to Gregory about his family going on camping trips. Slowly he lost sight of Gregory.

"Gregory...? Gregory! Gregory where are you?!?" Ricky yelled.

Gregory was nowhere to be seen. Ricky acted tough, if Gregory was around, he didn't want him to think that he was scared and weak. Ricky just kept walking, sweat dripping down his face even though it was super cold. The wind blew, and the trees were rustling. All of a sudden, Ricky heard a voice

"Ricky I'm right here! can't you see me?" an eerie voice said from behind the tree it sounded like Katie.

Ricky gasped "Katie?! Is that you!?"

a ghostly figure appeared in front of him, it caught Ricky by surprise, and he fell to the ground. The figure looked like Katie, but they had shorter hair, and their eyes were as dark as the night sky. and they were dripping like they were crying ink. Ricky quickly pulled out his shotgun and started running.

The sun was already setting he has no idea where he was going. He quickly hid behind the first thing he seen, a tree. He couldn't breathe, Ricky quickly reached into his bag and tried to find his inhaler.

"FUCK!! I FORGOT MY INHALER AT THE CAMP! NO, NO, NO, NO!!" Ricky said softly yelling

Rickys eyes widened when he heard voices calling his name over, and over, and over again. Ricky covered his ears, but it just got louder. Ricky started to sob.

"oh, how pathetic you are!" giggled the ghostly figure he saw earlier

Ricky just kept sobbing, he just wanted to die already. he didn't care anymore. 

"W-...WHAT DO YOU WANT??!" Ricky yelled.

The figure didn't reply to him, it just said one thing. "Angie"

Ricky couldn't breathe all he wanted was Gregory.

"RICKY! RICKY WHERE ARE YOU?" Gregory yelled.

Ricky couldn't speak. Finally, Gregory found him.

"HOLY SHIT RICKY!? ARE YOU OKAY?" Gregory was yelling but then his voice softened when he saw how much Ricky was crying

"I- I saw it-... and the voices-... I-" Ricky was stuttering he couldn't get out a single word

"It's okay buddy, you're okay, I'm here" Gregory was trying to comfort him as much as he could.

Then, finally, Gregory pulled Ricky into a hug, a very very tight one. Ricky put his hand on Gregorys back and cried into his shoulder. "it's okay, it's going to be okay, i love you so much Ricky" Gregory said softly into his ear.

Gregory pulled away from the hug and looked into Rickys eyes. Oh man this wasn't the time but Gregory wanted to kiss him so bad. "Let's get back to camp, and how about let's go to my house, you're bleeding a lot on your arms, and face. ill fix you up dont worry!" Gregory told Ricky as he winked at him

Ricky giggled as he wiped the tears from his eyes. Gregory stood up and put his hand out to pull Ricky up, Ricky took his hand. When Ricky stood up he tripped on some sort of rock and Gregory caught him. Their faces were so close together. Gregory and Ricky, both, got very flustered and quickly stood like normal. Then, off they went back to the camp.

But that name, Angie, was replaying and replaying in Rickys head

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