You Backstabbing Bitch.

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"Ohhh man! Isn't it great? Ricky and Gregory being gone and it's just us?" Angie asked Katie.

"Just us...? Did you actually kill them...?" Katie replied in a panic.

"Of course, I did! That's what you wanted right!?" Angie said lying.

"Oh...! Oh yeah!!" Katie lied back.

"I'm uh- I'm gonna go garden!" Katie ended the conversation.

Katie closed her eyes and thought of gardening, as she opened them, she was in the garden.

"Oh god..." Katie sobbed.

"What do I do?! I didn't actually want them dead... I know they aren't dead. They aren't." Katie said.

Katie's face filled with tears,

"B-b-but... wait..." Katie realized something. She snapped her fingers and she saw Gregory and Ricky laughing together in their tent.

"O-OH MY GOD!!" Katie tried to catch her breath she didn't know she could see them, all this time.

"GUYS! GUYS CAN YOU HEAR ME ???" She yelled trying to get their attention, but they couldn't hear her.

she cried and cried. 

" i just want you guys back" Katie sobbed.

Angie saw everything without Katie noticing. Angie clenched their fists.

"You don't need them..." Angie said with anger in their eyes.

Katie gasped "A-ANGIE! It's not what it looks like, I swear!" 

"oh but it is." Angie said wanting to hurt Katie with all their power but would never hurt her. Angie grew a soft spot for Katie, though that wasn't supposed to happen. 

"What do you not understand? They left you. They betrayed you. IM GIVING YOU THE LIFE YOU WANT."  Angie yelled, as the dark liquid like tears fell down more harshly than usual.

"But Angie, do YOU not understand THIS? THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANT, I want them..." Katie felt defeated.

Every moment between Angie and Katie was never emotional, until now. why now?  

"So, all of this, us, meant nothing to you?" Angie said trying to make Katie feel bad.

"All of what Angie? You lying to me, you being a backstabbing fucking bitch?!" Katie said raising her voice.

Angie didn't speak.

"I thought you wanted them dead?" Angie dropped on Katie. 


Angie snapped their fingers, and repeated the moment where Katie told Angie to kill Ricky and Gregory

Katie didn't know what to say, she obviously knew what she did wrong but just wanted to forget she ever said anything.

"Y-you made me think what I was saying was right!!!" Katie said trying to defend herself.

"I'm really going to kill them this time. There is nothing you can do to stop me. I will always have more power than you and you know it." Angie ended.

Katie just looked at Angie with anger. She was defeated, she knew Angie was right. Katie fell to her knees and sobbed. 

"Like I always do" Katie whispered.

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