Home? Hell? Same thing.

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"ANNE!! ITS 6PM TIME FOR RICKY TO LEAVE!!" Gregory's mom yelled

"Oh." Gregory sighed with a frown on his face.

"It's okay gregory, I'll get home safe and after school on Monday we can go find Katie. I promise we'll find her." Ricky told Gregory slowly pulling him into a hug.

"I-.. I love you Ricky" Gregory said after he had pulled away from the hug.

Ricky's eyes widened but then softened after processing what he had said
"I love you more Gregory"

Ricky got all his stuff and walked out the door he waved at Gregory and greg waved back.

As Ricky was walking home it started to pour with rain. The droplets went down his eyelashes all the way to his nose.

Ricky started running home. Ricky was good at running, mostly cause he tried to be perfect, but that never worked. Always had bad grades, considered "annoying". all Ricky wanted was to fit in.

Finally, home. Not exciting for Ricky, but he missed laying down in his bed. Ricky slowly turned the door knob. He didn't wanna wake anyone in this house up.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Ricky's mother yelled as soon as he walked in

"With a friend mom." Ricky said afraid.


Ricky had got pushed onto the wall by his mother.

"Mom! Im sorry! I just needed a Break." Ricky tried to explain.

"A break? A break from what you little shit!"  Ricky's mom said as she slapped Ricky across the face.

"M-mom, please, I- I just missed gr-Gregory" Ricky tried to say, he was terrified of saying the wrong thing to make his mom upset.

"Oh what your gay friend ? What are you gonna have a crush on him next ?" Ricky's mom said

"SHUT UP MOM!" Ricky snapped.

Ricky's mom gasped and slapped Ricky multiple times on his face. Ricky was crying so much he couldn't breath.

"m-mom! I- I'm sorry" Ricky said barely able to breath.

"Whatever." Ricky's mom just walked away grabbing a cigarette pack from the counter.

Ricky ran to the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

He fell the the ground. He sat down and put his hand on his face.

"STUPID. STUPID. STUPID" Ricky yelled repeatedly while also repeatedly punching himself .


Greg🕸️: Hey Ricky, are you doing okay?

Ricky❤️‍🩹: mhm! I'm great gregory!


Ricky lied. He could've said something, but didn't wanna worry gregory.


"Ay! Anne! Wake up time for church" Gregory's mom said.

"Uhhhhhhhhhgggggg" a long groan came out of Gregory.

*10 minutes later*

Gregory put on his binder, and sweater with sweatpants. He was to tired to put anything nice on. His mom was making him go anyways, he didn't care.

"Uh- what do you think your wearing?" Gregory's mom came in and asked.

"Clothes." Gregory blandly responds

"No, you look gay in that" Gregory's mom said

"What's wrong with that..?" Gregory asked back, knowing his mom was homophobic he didn't care, he wanted her to know he didn't care.

"What do you mean? Are you gay Anne? Huh?" Gregory's mom asked.

"What if I am..?" Gregory replied.

'Fuck.. shit!! Why did I say that?" Gregory thought in his head.

"ANNE! WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU SAY THAT? Are you?" Gregory's mom yelled.

"Yes mom. I'm transgender. I am a Boy. And my name isn't Anne is Gregory." Gregory said.


Just like that, Gregory's mom slapped him.

Gregory's eyes widened and filled with tears "M-mom..I.." Gregory couldn't say a word

"Stop crying and get dressed." Gregory's mom said.

Home. Shouldn't home be a place where you feel safe?

Gregory got ready and out the door as him and his family headed to church.


Ricky❤️‍🩹: hey Gregory how are you

Greg🕸️: Hey Rick <3 . I'm not doing to well today.. my mom found something out about me and it went bad, I'm fine though. How are you?

Ricky❤️‍🩹: I'm sorry dude, I guess same for me my mom just yelled at me. I'm just upset.

Ricky❤️‍🩹: and I miss you.


unknown number👤 : hello.

Unknown👤: hello.

Gregory: who's this?

Unknown👤: Katie, your best friend? Your crush?

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