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The next day Ricky and Gregory woke up and went to filmflams burgers for breakfast. it was Saturday morning, they arrived just in time for a free milkshake.

"Hello welcome to flimflam burgers where we all float, how can i help you?" a girl said with a tired voice and messy dark hair.

"Can we have two flimango burgers, NOT FLAMINGO BURGERS!" Ricky demanded.


"Ok, your number is 26, NEXT!" the girl that was working said.

Ricky and Gregory sat down at the nearest table.

"We have to go tell Katie's mom Ricky!" Gregory yelled.

"Ok! Okay! Keep it down! after we eat we can go tell her i promise" Ricky said.

Ricky put his pinky finger up and closed his eyes and Gregory did the same and then they wrapped pinkys in a promise.

Later after they ate they were supposed to go to Katie's house but Ricky did otherwise.

As they were riding their bikes they passed Katie's house, gregory looked at Ricky with a confused face.

"Wait? Weren't we supposed to go to Katie's house?" Gregory asked

confused while they rode towards the mountains .

"Well uhm i- uh-" Ricky stuttered.

" we are going to tell Katie's mom right ?" Gregory said .

"We can't" Ricky said.

" WHAT ! WHY? " Gregory yelled again.

"JUST FOLLOW ME!" Ricky said in frustration.

They were headed up a mountain.

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