7.Broken Inside

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I cry myself to sleep
Yet wear a fake bright smile everyday
I am broken down deep
But "I am fine" I always say
Because none cares about me I know
And I don't want them to enjoy the show
I hide my actual side
Cause I know they don't care
I am too pre-occupied
And they aren't worthy enough to share
I am always with them, even when they hurt me
but none is ever there for me, it is the reality
I tell myself I don't need them
But truth is they don't need me
They always treat me as scum
But I am bold, I won't flee
I will hide my pain
Till I become insane
I will laugh with them all
And cry and scream alone
I won't call them when I fall
Cause they have a heart of stone
I know I will be ignored forever and ever
But I will welcome them whatsoever
I will always laugh when I scream inside
And dance when I want to kill
So that they won't feel satisfied
And their wishes won't fullfill


Hey there my lovely poem lovers! DrishKing008 here. I am back with another poem on Saturday. Hope you guys liked this poem too. 

I love writing these poems, you know. It's like I put my feeling into words and your views tell me that some people actually like or tolerate them and want to listen to me. It's amazing.

Vote, Comment and Share the poems, please...*makes puppy face* if you liked them.

Also, sorry for updating a bit late but I have my school and many more things guys. Please try to understand.

See you next Saturday!

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