44. MY STORY {1 K Special}

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Spilling all my worries out into a piece of paper
It all started like a last resort
Put some rhymes into the mix, read it, and the worries would taper
To describe my feelings, words would never fall short

My failures, my wins
My good deeds and sins
I still remember the first one, me saying, "It begins"

I was never ever good at telling
How I actually feel
In stories, afraid of wrong spelling
My true self, could nowhere reveal

It was hard
Faking regard
My luck, life did discard

Then, I picked up the pen
Oh what a bold step
I thought I would fail again
But for something different life preped

I saw my writing bloom
Dances with myself in my room
Meanwhile, 'she is probably studying' they assume

I opened the wounds that didn't heal
And bled on the paper in ink
I no longer felt the need to conceal
Dreamt bigger as I watched my doubts sink

Ups and downs
Philosophers to clowns
Been everywhere, claps to frowns

I don't regret anything now, No
I feel proud when I read
My poems from the shadow
From my own hands, I planted their seed

Now I find support stronger than steel
People gave this broken car a wheel
Now, it all feels a bit surreal

If I am dreaming it all
I never ever wanna wake
My heart feels warm when I recall
That first poem, first take

Thank god for blessing me
I promise you all, I will never flee
God, I am drowning in not dread but glee

I can't stop, won't stop writing
Till you guys enjoy reciting
This feeling is exciting
From my younger self, filled with big dreams, I am reuniting...


Hey there, my lovely poem lovers! Here is the poem I promised you guys in the Vote Of Thanks (1K). If you have read it, you will know I am busy and stressed as hell due to my final exam being tomorrow. So, I really don't have time to do the summary thing of poems I do. Plus, this poem is just a thank you to all of you. I have never before expressed my personal thoughts so in depth in a poem. It's generally a worldwide issue but this poem was sort of my story with some details excluded for good reasons. I am very curious to know your views regarding this poem.

At first, I planned to make this into a song and publish the audio here as a 1K special but...I have quickly realized that I can't make a song within a day while preparing for my exam side by side and I don't think composing melodies and all is really my thing. I struggled for an hour and all I composed was the first two lines of this poem/song. So, ya...I don't think it's a good idea. If I try it sometime in the future, with not an exam over my head, I will let you all know.

Vote, Comment and Share this poem if you liked it. It has my precious before-exam hour invested in it. Don't forget to wish me the best of luck with my exam. AND most importantly, thank you for being with me in my ups and downs and just supporting my poems till now. I love you all!

Also, if you haven't, please read the vote of thanks (1K) because I want you to know how much I appreciate you all.

Peace out!

That didn't feel right...

See you soon!!! (That's more like it!)

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