28. Dark Thoughts

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I am dead inside
Don't know why I am still alive
When me myself I have denied
I have lost all hope that I would survive

My mind is darker than hell
It's like living in a bombshell

I am the home to dark thoughts
Over time I have gathered lots and lots
They are enough to depress robots
So that tears will come out from their slots

I am trying to think about positive things
But that's harder than sprouting wings

Dark thoughts have become my friend now
They are my BFF, they never leave me
Now, upon me don't raise your eyebrow
Do you think I am mad? I agree


Hey there, my dear poem lovers! DrishKing008 is back with another poem for you to enjoy this Saturday. Sorry if you didn't quite like this poem. As I have stated many times earlier, I am in high school, and 9th grade is a tough one. I am not getting much time to write lately. So, I am sorry if the poems coming out now aren't really up to the mark. But due to lack of time, I can't just discard the poem I spent an hour writing, even if it sucks. So, you guys gotta tolerate some of my not-so-good poems too.

Hope you don't mind reading some of these. However, this poem was a doubtful one for me. I can't classify this one as a good or a bad one. You can help me by sharing your views regarding this topic in the Comments. I will be glad to hear your opinions.

Anyways, this poem was for when you realize how dark your thoughts are, how much dark humor you have, and how depressed your soul is. Ya...that's pretty much all I have got to say this time. This poem was pretty straightforward and not at all deep. That's one of the main reasons I myself am not a fan of this one.

But, still, I hope you enjoyed it. Vote, Comment, Share bla bla bla, all the usual. You guys know what all comes here so let me do it all straightforward.

PS: Also, my kindle e-book 'A True Mastermind-JJ' is free for this Sunday (11/12/22). The timing might be a bit different depending upon which country you reside in but check in the morning and evening if you are interested. It will be totally FREE. Check it on amazon if you want to support me. It would mean a lot to me and I don't have a platform like this where I can promote my book. So, please guys. It won't even cost a penny. So, do check it out to help me :)

See you Soon!

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