23. All I Left Behind

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I left behind so many things
Some were good and some bad
After leaving some I cried my eyes out
And after leaving some, I was glad

I left those things to become what I am
But the question is did I wanted to?
The answer is no my friends
I was either forced or taunted to

Am I more successful now?
I really don't know
I might be or might not
I am not at all happy though

Suppose I am a success now
But the problem is I am not ME
I left the true myself ages ago
To become what you all now see

I was okay as a failure for all
If I was happy and not a mastermind
At least then, I wouldn't have to leave
All that I left behind...


Hey there, my dear poem lovers! DrishKing008 is back once again with another Saturday poem for you guys. I hope you guys enjoy this poem too. 

Also, I just wanted to say that I am well aware that my previous poem 'Wild West At Halloween' was nowhere near motivation. It was written on a completely different topic. As I mentioned there too, it was for a competition and I don't have any other poem collection to publish it on. So, I published it in this one and didn't count it as an update. Hope you guys are okay with that because it might be repeated in the future.

Anyways, this poem is for times when you just look back upon yourself and you don't see the innocent girl/boy you used to be. You realize that you have changed. You have left behind a lot of things. They may be your faults but they can also be your passion. When you further think about it, you realize that you didn't leave all that things which made you up yourself, you were directly or indirectly forced to leave them by either someone or something. Like I am pretty sure because of studies, many of you must have left a hobby which they enjoyed because there was simply no time after studies.

Leaving those things behind might have proved to be the right decision in the future but guys, if you aren't happy because you left the things you loved, what is the point of such success? If you feel like an old wound has been opened whenever someone talks about your long forgotten passion, then, was leaving it really the right decision?

Be a failure for society if needs be, at least you would be YOURSELF. It's much better than being a success after losing yourself because if you have lost the true you, what good will such success even do? It won't even be YOUR success. You will feel like you are trapped in someone else's life. Is such a life really worth all your dreams?

Now, Vote if you liked the poem, Comment your views regarding it or any topic upon which you want me to write a poem, and Share the poem if you found it relatable and wanna make someone else feel the same, that is, understood.

See you next Saturday!

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