23. Questions

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I just looked back at my entire life
And asked myself am I even alive?
If it all continues like this and I can't change it
Till the end, will I even survive?

I haven't been myself the past few days
Did anyone even notice it?
Is it more painful to die at once
Or is it more painful to see yourself break bit by bit?

Is it hard to cry silently
As your parents are with you?
Or is it harder to explain them
The reason you were crying, that too true?

Am I doing the right thing
By hiding my mental state?
Or is it wrong
As I can feel myself suffocate?
Shall I admit it before I die
or get crushed under its weight?

I am full of these questions
Will anyone answer?
They are eating me inside
Even worse than cancer


Hey there, my lovely poem lovers! DrishKing008 here, I am back with another Saturday update for you guys and I have also got two really important announcements to make.

First, the first announcement. My book 'A True Mastermind-JJ' is now available on kindle as an e-book at just Rs.99 or $2.99 or whichever currency you prefer. Feel free to check it out. You can search 'A True Mastermind-JJ by DrishKing' on Amazon. It's a Crime-Fiction, Mystery, and Thriller type of book. I promise you will enjoy it. For more information about the book, check out my blog at drishking008.blogspot.com.

If you are a Kindle Unlimited user, you can read it for free there!

Don't have money? No worries! As a part of a sale, the book will be free. The sale will start on 6 Nov 2022 and will end on 8 Nov 2022. So, go and buy the book or read it for free!

Don't forget to leave a review and feedback after you are finished reading my book. It helps me a lot.

For more information regarding the book, the sale, and everything, check out my blog.

Now, to the second announcement. Thank you all so much for over 300 views. I am over the moon with the support you all are showing me. I love all of you dearly. 

Now, to the poem, for which all of you are here. The thing is that this poem is pretty straightforward. I don't think there is any need to expand on what this poem is trying to convey any further as I think it's pretty self-sufficient in itself.

I am pretty proud of this poem. It is a simple yet effective way to cover a fair few topics entertainingly. So, ya, I like this poem very much.

Do make sure to Vote, Comment, and Share my poems. It would mean a lot to me. And also, buy my book, guys! or wait until it's free and then read it. But Beware, the sale is for a limited time and with limited e-books. As I have said earlier, visit Amazon and my blog for more information regarding the book.

See you next Saturday!

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