Your Song

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Elton began singing. I immediately what he was doing and how he was gonna do it.

"It's a little bit funny, Thai feeling inside... I'm not one of those who can... Easily hide. " He sang smiling. He went on.

"Don't have much money, but boy if I did. I'd buy a big house where, we both could live..."

I couldn't help but break a smile. This felt to good to be true.

"If I was a sculptor, then again, no. Or a man who makes positions in a... Traveling show. I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do. My gift is my song and... This one's for you!" Elton sang on. His eyes were now as blanketed in tears as mine.

"And you can tell everybody, that this your song... It may be quite simple, but... Now that it's done.... I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind, that I put down in words.... How wonderful life is... While your in the world. I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind! That I put down in words.... How wonderful life is, while your in the world...." Elton played the last few notes before taking one of my hands and placing the other behind his back.

"Y/n... My Tiny dancer. I know same sex marriages aren't really legal yet... But once they are, I have something I must ask u." Elton toke his hand that was around his back and placed a small ring into my hand.

"Elton.... Rocket... What? How did you get this? I mean yes, yes, 100x yes!" I replied.

"I just sent Bernie a card a few days ago, asked him if he would send it to me. I was gonna do this the day you left rehab, but oh well." Elton said. I chuckled a little bit. I placed my hands on his cheeks, before kissing him.

"Aww. How cute!" Said Cindy. Her and Ringo were standing in the doorway.

"How long have you been here-?" I asked.

"Pretty much the whole time." Ringo said laughing.

"Oh fuck." Elton said giving a slight smile. I put my head on his shoulder. Cindy gave us a approving smile.

"This is gonna be a wild ride... But something tells me you 2 will get used to it." Ringo said happily.

We all headed to dinner. After words we went to our rooms and we fell asleep. Or at least most of us did.

Don't go breaking my heart (Elton John X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now