Social Disease

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About a week had past now so ve Ringo left. Cyndi and David had become pretty good friends. Infact, David was quite a nice person. Cyndi being bi and all, I think her and this David dude would be a perfect couple. Anyhow. I woke up around 5am today.  Elton slept in till about 8. I had been up crying in the bathroom. Today was the day. I had to leave rehab today. Once Elton woke up he immediately ran into the bathroom and gathered me in his arms.

"Tiny dancer, it's alright. We can write to one another, in fact I'll tell my jets to go to your house and pick you up and take you to my place. We can stay there together! Me and Cyndi only have 6 days left her anyway! That's not to long." Elton said. He hugged me tightly.

"Thank you my rocketman." I replied as he wiped the tears off my face. We kissed before standing up and walking down to breakfast. Elton (like always,) laid his silverware on the table perfectly.

"You know when my jet picks you up, this is what the tables gonna look like everyday." Elton joked. I chuckled. It was clear I was upset, but I mean, Elton was right. It was just a few days.

"I don't know how I'm gonna get throught these days without you tho Elton. " I said. Elton kissed me again and gave me a slight smile.

"Y/n, the moment we get out of here, we will have everyday together. Tell you what, Ringo knows where my place is, I'll give him a call too. He can come and stay with you tell I'm back. That sound good?" I nodded. That made me feel a lot more comfortable. Since none of Elton's servants reallt knew who I was, having Ringo would make me a lot more comfortable. A few hours had pasted and it was around 2pm. Elton's plain had pulled up in the driveway. (Which was quite a sight to see.) I kissed Elton one last time before getting on board. At first everything was fine, but then I noticed a specific someone was on board.

"Bernie Taupin?" I asked the man. He turned around laying his champagne on the table.

"Yeah... You must be Elton's boy friend. Y/n right?" Bernie asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, hey, uh this is random, but thank you for getting Elton that ring for me. It was bueatiful." I said. Bernie smiled.

"Yeah no problem. Elton was more the one that bought it, I just picked it up and sent it to him, but you know. Uh anyway, how are you? How's Elton?" Bernie asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Uh I'm good and Elton is pretty good too I think." I replied.

"Good, good, yeah." Bernie replied.

Then an akward silence washed over.

"Sorry if I'm no good at taking, folks back at home always say I'm a bit of a social diseases. Hints that song me and Elton wrote." Bernie said jokingly.

"No no, your fine. A lot of people say that about me too. Infact, that's my favorite song that you and Elton made. " I replied.

"Thank you. Always love meeting fans." Bernie said with a chuckle. We both chatted for a while until we finally landed in London. We were both exsathed and made our way into the mansion. Bernie showed me to Elton's room and said Elton had said he I could stay there. Ringo was already in the guest bedroom when I arrived. Bernie went to his room. Elton decided to just let Bernie stay with him for the time being since they were best friends and all. Or at least they were most of the time.

Ringo walked into me and Elton's room a few minutes later and knocked on the door frame.

"Ello Y/n, it's been a bit." Ringo said. He gave a slight smile.

"I suppose so yes." I replied.

Ringo walked closer to me taking a seat next to me on Elton's bed.

"So y/n... I've been thinking a lot lately... And I know your dating Elton and all.... But I wanted to see if I was gay...." Ringo said. I looked over at him confused.

"What are you saying Ringo?" I asked. Ringo didn't say anything, he just looked down. Finally after a few seconds he grabbed my face and kissed me. I almost immediately pulled away.

"Ringo, your one of my best friends and all, but I don't see you in that way.  The only person I'm attracted to sexually is Elton." I said. I turned around quickly before laying down in my bed.

"It's late Ringo, you should get some sleep." I said.

"I'm sorry... I just you know... Thought I might be gay..." He said. I rolled my eyes in frustration.

"It's fine. I just need rest. Good night." I said. Ringo stud up and walked out of the room switching off the light.

"Good night!" Ringo called as he shut the door. What the fuck just happen? I tried to forget about it and hope Elton wouldn't find out. About an hour had past of me being stressed over Ringo's scene he had just made before I finally was able to calm down and sleep.

Don't go breaking my heart (Elton John X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now