Chapter 18 - Tired

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Chapter 18 - Tired

Sean's POV

It's been a month since Marianne was born; she needs a lot of attention from Cassandra because of all the different species that runs through them. She's been needing a lot more blood from Cassandra than normal. Cassandra is sleeping at the moment, she was up all night trying to soothe our crying baby.

On my way down stairs I picked up the twins from their room. I changed their diapers and went down to the kitchen. I sat them in their high chairs and started preparing their food. They haven't yet started talking or walking. They're big and chubby. They're 8 months old now. They crawl all over the place and if we're not careful they wonder out to my parents house by themselves!

Opening the fridge I see some fruit. I take out a peach, some strawberries, 2 small bananas, an orange and some raspberries. I slice the fruit up and place it into their separate bowls. I also make chocolate chip pancakes. I cut up their pancake and place it in their bowl. I hand it to them with their cup of milk. They instantly start eating their breakfast. I do too. Once we're done I place the dishes into the dishwasher. I quickly clean them up. I picked them up and go back upstairs to change them, I then set them down in their playpen.

I go back into Marianne's room to see that she's awake. I pick her up before she starts crying and ends up waking up my mate. "Morning..." I say and she looks up at me and smiles. I make her a bottle and feed it to her. She latches onto it straight away. I burp her once she's done and changer her diaper and clothes. I set her down in the crib as she's falling asleep. I kiss her head. I grab the diaper and bottle and go back down stairs. I wash out the bottle and chuck the diaper into the bin.

I dialled my mother's house number, knowing her she's probably in the garden. It rang twice before someone picked up. "Hello?" My mothers sweet voice came through the speaker. "Hi mom, could you do me a favour please? Could you come over and watch the kids for me? Cassandra is sleeping and I'm going to go and do some work in the office." I told her my plans for today hoping that she will come and help. "Do you even have to ask!? I'm their grandma! Of course I'm coming over! Bye!" She hang up before I could say bye to her.

My mother has her own key to the house and since the kids ain't crying I made my way out of the kitchen towards the office. I placed the card key in front of the lock. I opened the heavy oak door after the beep and shut it behind me with a soft click. I made my way to my desk and sat down.

I turned on my laptop and played music whilst I started by sorting out the papers.


I went through every request, checking why they wanted it done, what they were building and how big the building is to be. I then started to fill out the forms for the new buildings. Once I was done with this stack, I picked it up and placed it on Cassandra's desk. I place a post-it note on the top - 'DATE & SIGN'.


I proceeded to check each members information. Where they came from, parents, siblings, any traumatic events, any special training that might be needed or any specific medicine they might need. Once I did that I placed them into the system on my laptop. I put some of them through to different types of training. I then email each new member about their training schedules and their tutor.


Cassandra likes to check up on who is doing the best at school. They will get a reward afterwards at the end of the month. It could be anything ranging from a new toy to a book, for the younger kids. For the older ones it could be a new phone to a brand new car, or a scholarship to a university of their choice, depending from how good they've been doing and for how long.

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