Chapter 19 - Recruited

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Chapter 19 - Recruited

Cassandra's POV

It's the twins first birthday... I wasn't sure what to do at first but I decided to invite the whole pack to their birthday.

Some of the older ladies decided to make their cakes. Others decided to come and help me prepare and cook food for today. Sean was outside inflating the giant bouncy castle, whilst other men where helping him set up the props for the magic show that will happen later on.

I hired a small circus to come over and give us a show. They had all the different animals too. Some of the clowns were making ballon hats, swords, flowers and etc.

We're having a barbecue later tonight when the kids go to bed, it's more for the teenagers and young adults, but everyone is welcome to join.

Time flew by without my knowledge. Soon we were singing happy birthday to my babies, then after I was putting them to bed. The fire came to life soon afterwards. People soon started to sit around the fire roasting marshmallows and singing whilst a young guy was playing guitar. Scary stories would soon be told.

I went upstairs into my room to get ready for bed but I soon found my self being called down to the underground bar. Letting out a sigh I put on the first clean pair of pants which happened to be leather. I put my combat boots back on and changed my dirty top into a red tank top. I grabbed my leather jacket on my way out. Opening the door to the office, I walked towards my desk. I opened my top drawer and took out my gun and knife. I placed the gun on the waistband of my pants and the knife in my boot.

As I was walking out I bumped into Sean. "I've been called to deal with something down at the bar, I'll be back soon promise." I said giving him a kiss on his soft lips. "Ok, but be careful!" He said seriously. I nodded nonchalantly at him and walked off towards my car. I shut the door and put my seatbelt on. This will be my first time actually driving my baby since I met Sean. I turned the key in the ignition making my baby rumble to life. I place my foot on the throttle and drove away towards the bar.

I quickly put my car into the car park, locked it and made my way to the bar. Only to be greeted by a punch to my right shoulder, popping it out of place. I didn't feel the need to scream since I couldn't feel any pain. Anger was radiating from me and the whole bar stood still, all eyes on me. I smirked hearing a loud pop which made everyone wince, as my shoulder went back into place.

"So... Who called?" The 22 year old man behind the bar held his hand up long enough for me to notice him. Jake had gorgeous blond shaggy hair, deep blue eyes, a sharp nose, high cheek bones and a defined jaw. He had a little stubble growing on his chin and a tiny birth mark above his left eyebrow in the shape of a dagger, which is barely noticeable. "That would be me boss." He announced. "Very well... What's the problem?" I questioned. He pointed at the guy that had just punched me. "We're having trouble getting him out since he keeps pestering everyone and breaking glass!" Rick, one of the security guards said from behind me. I nodded in response. I took in the state of the bar, broken alcohol bottles littered the floor, as well as glasses. "I'll take care of him." I said as I dug my forefinger's and thumb's claws on each side of his neck. A hiss came out of his lips and the stink of alcohol from his breath, as I dragged him out to the cells. "Here. Take care of this. Place him into one of the night cells. Release him in the morning at 11:30 with a charge of $150 for the broken bottles and an extra $75 for the broken glasses that will need to be replaced. Plus $95 for his tab. That's $320 in total."

The night cells are different to normal cells. They don't have silver inside the actual cell unlike the rest. Each wall is a mirror and there's a window right in the direction of the sun. They have a flat mattress, a thin sheet and a bucket. The room was designed to torture people with hangovers. It's like a light box. I feel sorry for that guy but it's the only way to make them see sense. You drunk too much, you get a hangover the next day but I intensify that hangover, so they don't cause trouble next time when they come to the bar.

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