Chapter 1 - Twins & Mate

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Chapter 1- Twins & Mate

Cassandra's POV


'Something's wrong! Go home as fast as you can, now!' My wolf screamed in panic. My wolf has never been wrong before, so why not trust her now? I scrambled all my books that were laid across the library table and into my book bag as fast as I could. 'FASTER! FASTER!' By now I was starting to go into panic. She repeatedly yelled at me, as I rushed to pack. I fumbled with my bag strap, slinging it over my shoulder as I ran out onto the street.

I started running straight towards the woods, once I was a few hundred meters into the forest I shifted into my beautiful snow white wolf. She kept nagging me to be faster throughout the whole journey back home, so I ran as quick as I could towards our pack house. As I stepped out of the woods there were shredded human bodies everywhere I turned to look, however that's not what surprised me. Every dead body I walked past had a face i recognised!  This was my whole pack! Dead before me. They were shot from afar and there were no scents of any hunters, but the method used to exterminate these wolves was what gave away the identity of the killers.

I saw two very familiar faces in the middle of the mountains of dead bodies, these were my parents. I couldn't believe my eyes, I must be hallucinating. 'NO!' A sorrow filled scream echoed  in my mind. I was really seeing this, this time it's not just a nightmare. I walked over to them and shifted back to human form, I could care less that I was naked at the moment. I was mourning my whole pack, my family, especially my parents. There was a note sticking out of my father's pocket, curiosity got to me and I picked it up. It's addressed to me?!

Dear Cassandra,

If you're reading this, it's because you survived. We were attacked by hunters again, but we were defeated this time. I have written this letter some time ago because I had a vision of what was to come and I couldn't prevent it from happening.

There is a locket in your mother's closet with an image of a wolf embedded in it, take it as a reminder of us. That's also a family heirloom; it was passed down to your mother when she was 16, so it would have become yours when you turned 16 too. Take all the money that is in my office inside the safe. The code is 19-11-96. Take my bank cards too; the code is the same for all of them -1996.There are about 2 billion dollars in the bank cards and about 1 million dollars in cash in the safe. Take the car that you wish and run away from this place as fast as you can, but don't forget to check for any survivors first.

When you become 16 you will get special powers because you're a white wolf. Look out for silver wolves, they are protectors of  the rare white wolves, they will help you out, but you must tell no one about them, they aren't as rare as white wolves but they still are one of the most hunted. You're a Pura Lupus honey, you're strong you just have to believe in yourself and trust your wolf because she will guide you. I'm sorry I'm not able to guide you any longer or watch you become the strong woman that I believe that you are. Look after yourself, me and your mother love you so much. Be careful and make wise choices. Good luck!

Love from your parents xxx 

I'm just sitting in a pool of blood beside my parents and re-reading the letter over and over. I couldn't care less about my blood soaked clothes or how others could perceive this scene. A sob broke from my lips, as I couldn't believe my father had a vision of such doom and never opened up about a thing. I had so many question and like always, all my unspoken questions were answered. Even when he's dead, he's still watching out for me and answering and reassuring me of things. I loved them so much. My heart is in shreds at this discovery but I was thankful and also grateful for the money, I was set for life really... Now the problem is; where am I going to find a place to run to? Where can I hide and re-build? 

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