Chapter 6 - Sharing

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Chapter 6 - Sharing

Sean's POV

After ushering Cassandra upstairs to bed, I and Corbin followed her up the stairs whilst giving our complete attention to her backside. I don't think she noticed since she was really tired otherwise she probably would have said something by now. She walked into our room, silently closing the door behind her, leaving us to the babies as we promised.

I walked towards the cribs to see both wide awake, grinning I turned towards Axel. "Pick your kid..." Corbin walked to wards the cribs and looked between them and he decided to pick Erick, I nodded and walked towards my baby girl picking her up. "Follow me into the bathroom we have to bathe them before feeding..." he nodded and followed me. "Here, hold her for a minute if you don't mind; I'm going to fill the bathtub a little." I did just as I said I would. I removed Erika's clothing first before bathing her, once I was finished with her I handed her to Corbin and I did the same with little Erick. I walked into the room to see Erika with a diaper on and Corbin hovering above her trying to figure out how to put her jammies on her. Shaking my head slightly I placed Erick besides her making Corbin watch them whilst I picked out Erick's jammies. "Having trouble?" I teased, he simply nodded in response. "Put baby powder on her body like this. Put her little socks on whilst I do my little man's." he nodded and did just dad, I turned to Erick putting his diaper on and baby powder all over his body, like mum used to do to us. Input on his socks and his jammies, button it up and then I checked on how my brothers doing. Surprisingly he had her jammies buttoned up and the right way on. "Great job, now feeding, burping and bed." just then mum walked in with two baby bottles ready. "Thanks mum." she smiled at us and handed a bottle to each of us. "I fed the little dragon that was downstairs, it freaked me out at first but ruby said it belonged to Cassandra." we nodded with a smile then fed, and burped them then placed them in bed tucking them in and kissing them both goodnights.

"So are we sharing her or are you going to be selfish and try to take her from me just for yourself?" I questioned seriously. "she's your mate too so I don't see why I should be selfish, even if I kept her all to myself she would still love and pang for you silently." he said scratching the back of his neck. "And after all sharing is caring!" he said winking at me with a huge grin on his face, at that we both burst out laughing. "Yes, sharing is caring!" I agreed still laughing.

"Where am I sleeping tonight? I believe there aren't any more spare rooms since Jason is camping in with Ruby." Axel questioned. "Hmm, go take a shower, it's down this corridor right at the end, there's extra towels and anything else you may need in the bathroom closet. Then comeback I'll give you spare boxers and we can go to bed with our precious gem between us" he nodded and walked off to do just that.

I walked in quietly to see my mate curled up in a ball in the middle of the bed, shuddering slightly from the cold breeze that was coming through the open window. I walked towards the bed pulling the covers up to her shoulders, covering her from the cold. I made my way towards the bathroom, shutting and locking the window in the process. I shed my clothes and threw them in the dirty hamper that sat in the corner. I turned the water on letting it heat up whilst I brushed my teeth. I took a quick shower and stepped out, drying off and wrapping the towel around my waist. I stood in front of the mirror taking out my shaving gel and my razor. I shaved and put some after shave. I walked out the bathroom just as my brother walked in. A towel wrapped around his waist, a toothbrush and razor in hand. We walked by each other in silence me to the closet and him to the bathroom. I took out a pair of boxers quickly putting them on and took out another new set for my brother. I walked back to the bathroom placing my towel to dry and handing Axel the new boxers. "Thanks man." he said as I walked back out, soon he walked out too. We made our way to the bed, me on the right and him on the left side of Cassandra. We pulled the covers back getting into bed at the same time. We laid down just looking at our mate. Not even 30 seconds later she was pulling us closer to her subconsciously. We both gave her a goodnight kiss with an "I love you..." followed soon behind. I shut my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

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