Chapter 24 - A Tampon

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Chapter 24 - A Tampon

Cassandra's POV

The sun was shining through the window, lighting up the room. With a groan of displeasure I try to get up, only to not be able to. Cracking my eyes open, I see Scar lying on me. Great... Uncomfortable couch... Plus extra weight... Equals extreme sore muscles...

Just the thought that I'm supposed to be training has me groaning again. I try to shake her awake but nothing. Pushing Scar's dead weight off me and onto the floor; I get up to make breakfast.

Grabbing my phone; I check the time, 4:30am. I groan again and stretch. Walking into the kitchen, I grab a pan and a spatula along with a mixing bowl. After making pancakes, eggs and bacon. My high pitched whistle pierces through the house. After hearing surprised shouts and bangs, of them falling off the beds, quickly followed by cursing. Scar is the first to make an appearance. "What the fuck was that for?!" She growls. "To get you guys up." I say sweetly. After about a couple more seconds I see all the guys down in either boxers or shorts. "Morning! Eat up, training starts at 6:00." I tell them grabbing my own plate. I munch on my food quickly before running upstairs to get changed.

At exactly 5:30 we leave the house and walk towards Alpha Scott's pack house. "I've been informed that there is no pups in here." I tell them. "Good." Greenhouse smirks at me whilst holding a megaphone. I give him a confused look, before understanding and horror crosses my features. Before I can react he presses the air horn into the megaphone by my ear. I cover my ears and move away from him. "My ears are ringing now! Thanks a lot dipshit!" He only laughed more in amusement and replied with 'karma'.

Soon everyone was downstairs growling at us and shouting. Alpha Scott stepped through the crowd of people, to stand in front of me. A scowl on his face. "What's the meaning of this?!" Alpha Scott growled. "Morning to you too. Training starts at 6:00. You have exactly 30 minutes." Alpha Scott ushered everyone away to get ready. I walked out with my guys and sat down in a circle outside. "Here." Scar said passing me a blunt. I lit it and took a couple of puffs before passing it on. As soon as the half hour was up, we stood and waited for them to walk out.

They lined up. "Group 1!Strongest warriors." I pointed to the right side. "Group 2!Weakest teens and adults." I pointed to the left. "Group 3! Strong teens." I pointed behind me. They shuffled into their separate groups, whilst I designated a trainer for each group. "Scar 1. Greenhouse 2. RedBull 3. Separate, find a spot to train."

"Alpha you're with me." I said leading him on to a space big enough for us to spar. "How good would you say your knowledge is about weaponry?" I questioned. "I don't really use weapons, unless it's a silver knife." He shrugged. I proceeded to get in a fighting stance and Alpha Scott seemed to get the message. We circle each other, until Alpha Scott lost his patience. I used it to my advantage as he tried to punch me. Grabbing hold of his arm, I twisted it behind his back and kneed the middle of his spine. He went down on his knees. "I thought you were better trained than this." I mocked him.

I let him go and stepped back. We circled each other again. This time he proceeded to try and kick my stomach. I took a step back avoiding his attack. We carried on until about 12. After dismissing everyone, I request feedback from the group leaders. "Group 1 can fight but not defend properly. Group 2 most fights are uneven and unbalanced as expected. Not much stamina. Group 3 cocky little shits. Know it all attitude. Can't fight or defend properly but have stamina." Scar said.

I nodded in understanding. "I need you with me, whilst Greenhouse and RedBull are training the kids." I told her. "Understood but what exactly are we gonna be doing?" She questioned raising an eyebrow. "Training 'the know it alls'." I replied smiling. "If I have to. Which I do." She huffed walking away towards Greenhouse. "Group 3! Extra training starts at 2! If you somehow have jobs, please notify me and produce a contract and number for me to call." I hollered before they could leave. Most of them shouted in frustration and huffed but walked away towards the pack house.

"What's the reason they need more training?" Alpha Scott questioned. "They were being cocky with a 'I know it all' attitude. If they want single training sessions, then they should expect to listen, lose the attitude and refrain from commenting." I informed him. "Isn't 2 training sessions too much for them?" He asked raising an eyebrow whilst crossing his arms. "My pack has been undefeated for a while for a reason. I am here to share with you all I've learnt and what I am able to teach, so please don't question me." I walked away form him and went to Scar.

"You alright?" Scar said worried. I nodded in answer before answering my phone. "Hello?" I said munching on the sandwich Scar had handed me. Chicken tikka. Yum! "Hey Hun! The kids are here with me. You're on loud speaker." I heard Sean's voice filter through the speaker. "I miss you guys! How's everyone?" I questioned taking a swig from my water bottle. "We're all good and we miss you too." I heard the kids voices. A tear ran down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. I spoke to the kids for a little longer before they decide to scatter off. "I'll be home before you know it!" I told Luisiana. "Ok momma, be careful! I love you." She said. "I love you too and I will."

I hung up the phone soon after since Sean was still not talking to me. I sighed loudly catching Scars attention. "He's still not talking to you?" I shook my head in disappointment. "Ugh! That moron! He needs a... A tampon up his ass!" I burst out laughing at that. "A tampon? Really?" I questioned between laughs. "It was the first thing that came to mind." She said blushing.

We got back to training straight as the lunch time was up. People filtered through into the training grounds. Even a dumb blonde in heels. Whatever, I wasn't dealing with her. Some of the boys openly check us out whilst the blonde and her minions, scowled at us. We smirked at the girls and turned to the boys. "You checking us out?" Most responded with yes. "25 laps in human form around the training grounds, 150 sit ups and push ups after that and an extra 10 laps, sit ups, plus push ups for checking us out. I remember who said yes! Now go!"

They were grunting in pain and heaving for breath but I made them carry on. That blonde complained about breaking her heel and some of her nails chipped. "Oops! I don't really care..." I shouted at her. She huffed at me and started to walk away. "Thanks to her, start all over again! Nobody walks out without permission. You mess up, you all pay!" I told them. Angry shouts were heard as they shouted at the blonde. "Kristen!" So that's her name... They got back to training and started again. They finished at 8pm. One by one fell to the floor as they finished in exhaustion. "Good job! Get some sleep, training starts at 6am." They groaned and scattered to take a shower or eat.

My muscles protested in pain as I had been doing a lot more training after they finished. I could smell the scent of brownies as I stepped out of the shower. I went down to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. I ended up making lasagna for everyone in here. After that we tried Greenhouse's Brownies. That's what Blaze called them. "Let me guess... You added green?" I question with a raised eyebrow. He looked at me sheepishly before munching on his own. I shook my head in amusement before munching on my brownie. "So how is it?" He asked looking around. "They're marvellous! Absolutely delicious!" That was Blaze's secret. He loved to bake.

After about 30 minutes I could feel the weed kicking in. "Cass! I need a tampon!" Scar scream from the upstairs bathroom. I burst out laughing at the same time as the boys. I swayed my way upstairs. "What you gonna use it for?" I questioned chucking one through the door at her. "At my sacred grounds! Now go away! Oh and thank you..." She said awkwardly. I walked back down stairs and joined the guys we joked about for the rest of the night until fatigue caught up to us.

The next morning everyone had the munchies. We ended up eating a mixture of breakfasts. Cereal, toast, French toast, bacon, eggs sausage, baked beans, the list goes on. Training went well and we returned back to our rooms and settled for the night, but not before saying goodnight to the kids.

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