Chapter 13 - Welcome To Reality

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Chapter 13 - Welcome To Reality

Cassandra's POV

Just as father finished whispering those words. It started storming. Lightning was striking through the sky. The waves were crashing violently against the rocks. The wind was harshly blowing. The sky became cloudy and grey. Rain started falling. The warm cocoon that I was feeling before was replaced by the cold air.

Father picked me up and ran for cover. I have no idea where we're going. He ran through the cover of the shaking palm trees and into a wood cabin. Ma was standing at the kitchen table with warm pancakes and hot chocolate. She walked towards us with 2 fluffy towels in her hand. One's dark blue and the other blood red.

Wrapping the towel around my shoulders to trap the heat in, I thanked ma with a smile gracing my lips. She returned the smile with a bright one. Stepping towards her, she embraced me in her arms. Soon I was sitting at the kitchen table, stuffing my face with my mother's cooking. For all I know this could be the last time I taste it for a very long time. We talked, laughed and joked about, like old times. They tucked me into bed with a kiss goodnight and an I love you from both, as if I was a child once again. I shut my eyes and within mintues I was asleep, only to wake up beside a worried looking Sean.

"I thought you would never wake up!" Sean said with a shaky voice. Reaching out with his hands he touched my face softly. Silent tears were streaming down his face. "So much happened whilst you fell into a coma..." His voice was nothing but a quiet whisper.

Taking in his appearance he looked like hell. He had dark bags under his eyes. His hair was everywhere. He'd obviously has not shaven for a whie. Worry lines were apparent on his face at this exact moment. His clothes were wrinckled and his eyes shone nothing but fear, love and relief.

Sitting up I wince slightly as pain wript through my body. I covered it as best as I could. I smile slightly as I'm reaching my hand out to his face; I wipe away his tears. I feel physically weak but I ignore it, since I just came out of a coma. Sean leans into my hand as I settle it on his cheek. I notice his hand shaking as he kisses the back of my hand.

"Baby..." I whisper, my voice hoarse and all croacky from my dry throat. My throat feels like sandpaper at the momant. Ignoring my needs I pull Sean into me. His head falls at my chest and I let him cry it out, as I stroke his hair soothingly. I kiss his head once in a while and coe to him. Soon enough he was asleep lightly snoring.

I wipe away his tears and reach for the glass of water at my side table. Eargerly downing it, I sigh in relief when my throat stops hurting. I settle the cup back on the table before falling back asleep with Sean still on my chest.

Sean's POV

Waking up startled I get up abruptly. Looking down I see Cassandra sleeping. A tear slips down my cheek. Was it all a dream? Did she really wake up last night? I must have been dreaming! Drawing a shaky breath I held onto her hand. I kissed her lips lightly like I always did, but I was startled to receive a moan from her, I never got a reaction before. Hope blew inside of me. Maybe she did wake up...

Her eyes started to flutter and her beautiful ice blue pupils came into view, a bright smile on her face. One that I copied myself. "Good morning baby..." That beautiful voice that I had missed so much. I almost moaned at her voice. "Good morning indeed!" I say kissing her delicate lips. "Are you feeling better?" Confusion clouds my face as I look at her. "You were crying when I woke up last night and that's how you fell asleep on my chest." She quickly explained, noticing my confusion. "A lot better thank you. We need to talk but how about a warm shower, breakfast and cuddling before all that?" I question hoping that she agrees.

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