Chapter 26 - The Battle Grounds

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Chapter 26 - The Battle Grounds

Cassandra's POV

I continued to train them for another week. They have improved tremendously, I believe that they are ready for battle. I've taught different fighting techniques, defence and martial arts. They all so learned how to handle different kinds of weapons. Even the 12 year old kids knew how to work a small revolver, despite not carrying guns with them, they knew where they were in case of emergency. I don't encourage them to use them but if they have to protect themselves, so be it.

"Guys! Gather around!" I waited for them to come closer. "They're coming today! Remember don't panic over nothing. Yes, they have weapons but so do we. They'll be expecting us to be in wolf form." They all had thoughtful expressions as I carried on speaking, they all seemed to be paying close attention. "Group A - you'll be up on trees dart and arrow shooting as practiced. Make sure you're quiet when moving. Keep still at all times and listen closely to your surroundings whilst looking out for them. Well if you don't I'm not saving anyone's ass! Go to your positions, pick a tree but make sure you're spread out and leave 5 minutes apart. Spray the undetectable scent spray before leaving for the woods. Just in case. Wear clothes that make you blend in with the trees." They each had a can that I previously had given them. They each had extra stock on they're preferred tree. They had previously picked one out but no one knew which tree they were in, just in case there's traitors, then no one's position would be given away. They walked away to prepare with determined looks on their face.

"Group B - you'll be distracting them. Since you guys are better at fighting, I thought half of you would be better in wolf form. The other half hide and counterattack in human form. Inject them straight away if possible. Those that are hiding make sure you blend in and spray. They make be working with rogues. No survivors!" They'd shuffled out quickly before I could tell them to go.

"Group C - bulletproof vests is a must. You'll be carrying guns, syringes and knives. Don't mess about with them. We don't need accidents happening. Make sure to spray. Hide in places that aren't so obvious. Maybe in a fallen log... In places that they won't expect. Make sure you prepare your weapons alone. Take extra ammo. One more thing, I understand some of you are just in the tender age of 16 but seriously these are not toys." I said holding up the gun and shooting a target outside the window without looking. I heard the balloon pop and Kristen screech. I smirked and gestured them to leave. They laughed but left.

I then turned to my group of wolves. "Greenhouse you're up on the trees sort them out as thy leave, make sure they are 5 minutes apart. RedBull go with group B. And Scar you're with group C. Make me proud and return alive." I told them cheekily. They laugh and went to gather their separate men that they are in charge of. I started to make a spell since I need to know exactly when they crossed the border. After that was done I decided to equip myself and take off to the battle grounds.

We waited for about 30 minutes before I felt them break my spell barrier. I smiled in triumph, the spell had worked. I signalled to everyone, they're here. I saw them step through the trees and group A started firing the silent darts. Most of the hunters at the back hit the floor and started to spasm. Wolves step quietly behind them and started to inject their bodies with the same acid and poison mixture. The others looked around confused as they're men drop down, but they proceeded with more caution, leaving the wounded others behind. The wolves came from no where and started attacking some, ripping those men to shreds. Guts falling from their opened stomachs and the sound of gurgling as they tried to breathe. Shots were fired but to no effort. The hunters fell to the floor one by one. These were amateurs. They did not have much experience. Those that backed away were shot right in the head. Blood started to stain the floor, marinating this beautiful place with sin and death.

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