When You Help Him Feel Better

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Leo was exactly where you had told him to be, which was on the couch. He had also grabbed an ice pack, and wrapped it around his arm; he was asleep when you came in.
"Leo?" You asked, bending down and nudging him gently. His eyes fluttered open, but you could see the pain in them. You couldn't help but hurt for him.
"C'mon, lets go get you checked out." You sighed, walking towards Donnie's lab. Luckily for you, Donnie had planned for something like this, and had written directions on the side of it.
A couple minutes later, the x-Rays were out, and you took a look at them. Leo looked at you expectantly.
"Good news. Its not broken, just sprained." You announced, breathing out a sigh of relief; if his arm was broken, you wouldn't be able to cuddle!
You helped put his arm in a sling, gave him some painkillers, and tucked him into bed. Within seconds, he had drifted off to sleep.

You skidded into the lair, looking for Raph. What could he have possibly been doing to make him crack his shell? You checked every nook and cranny in the lair, finally finding him in the kitchen. There was an electric mixer to the side of him, and you could see the little crack right next to his other crack.
"Aw, Raphie, c'mon lets fix that." You said, helping him up off of the ground. You couldn't imagine how much that would hurt.
You helped him into Donnie's lab, and looked for bandages. Donnie surely had to have bandages; Raph had told you all about the different times people has gotten hurt. Finally, you found some, and walked back over to Raph.
"Stay still, this might hurt." You directed him gently. Then you wrapped the bandages around his chest, making sure they were tight and secure. Raph's eyes were shut, and he was breathing hard; it must've hurt a lot more than you thought.
"T-thanks y/n." Raph murmured. You handed him a handful of painkillers and a glass of water.
"C'mon Raphie, go get in bed." You patted his arm, and followed him to his room.

You ran into the lair, looking for Donnie. He had texted you letting you know that he had made his way back to the lair. You didn't think you would be able to carry Donnie and open a manhole cover.
You went into his lab, knowing that was where he would be. In the corner was a big shadow, with flashes of white. You fumbled for the light switch, turning it on, and gasped when you saw Donnie. He had multiple bruises forming already, as well as a few scratches, and a long gash on his shoulder.
"Dang, Donnie..." You breathed, going over to him. You shook him gently, seeing that he was asleep.
"Y-y/n?" Donnie asked, his eyes fluttering open. Luckily for you, he had already managed to put bandages on himself.
"C'mon Don, lets get you into bed." You said gently, helping him up. You helped him walk (more like hobble) into his room, and watched him lay down.
"Y/n-" Donnie started, but you cut him off with a kiss. Then you handed him a glass of milk, and some painkillers. Donnie took them greatfully, managing to give you a weak smile.
"Rest, I'll be here when you wake up." You said, brushing your fingers gently across the top of his head.

You stopped in the entrance to the lair, panting hard. Since you had jumped out of bed, you hadn't been able to grab your skateboard, or even your scooter. You had run the whole way here, avoiding nasty piles in the sewers, but your feet were still scraped up from the rough asphalt of the road. As your breathing subsided, you noticed another noise off to the left, in the shadows. It sounded like...sobbing?
"Mikey?" You called out gently.
"Y/n..." You heard him whisper softly, tears choking his voice. You went to him, sitting down next to him.
"R-Raph..." Mikey whimpered, but you cut him off.
"Shh, Mikey, it's ok. I've got you, and I'll make sure Raph doesn't hurt you again." You said gently, scowling into the darkness. Raph was about to get his butt handed to him. Mikey laid his head down in your lap, and you stroked his head, just like your mom would do to you. It was then that you realized that Mikey wasn't wearing his bandanna, but you let it go. Mikey had had a rough night, and there was no way you were pressing him for information.
About an hour later, Mikey's tears had dried, and you helped him stand up.
"C'mon Mikester, sleep will make you feel better." You said encouragingly, as you two walked to his room. Mikey laid down in bed, and you decided to sit in the chair next to his bed. Your adrenaline was starting to pump, as you realized that Raph had been doing this for a long time; you were lucky Mikey wasn't suicidal by now.
"Y/n, come lay down with me." Mikey mumbled.
"I will, I promise, I just need...a drink of water real quick." You said, leaving. Raph was about to have a serious talk with you.

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