Adoptions!!! ((Closed))

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So, don't really know if you guys know this, but I currently have a trilogy going on (Raph fanfic), and I've been bouncing some ideas around.
What I'm doing I also learned from KennaRaphBUSCUS and she's one of my favorite authors. But I'll give you the lowdown:
I need two characters for my book, Endgame. I'm willing to let you guys come up with a character all for yourself. So you can comment, or PM me, I don't really care. Adoptions end July 12 8 P.M. MDT.

----------CHARACTER ONE-----------
Status: Adopted by~KennaRaphBUSCUS

Name: Kenna

Age: 17

Personality: Girly over outfits and makeup, but is a whiz with all things electronic. Takes responsibility for lots of things, but stresses easily.

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Japanese style black and silky. Tips are dyed neon green, with four neon green streaks throughout the shoulder-length hair.

Clothes: Long black t-shirt with the sleeves cut out really low. Brightly colored bras are worn and the sides are seen from the sleeves. Green skinny jeans, and black high-top Converse.

Backstory: Details in progress.

Mutated: Y, turns into a cat-only signs of mutation are small cat ears on the top of head.

Works: At TCRI, helping out the Kraang with new electronics. Helps only when you have to, not wanting the destroy the population of Earth.

----------CHARACTER TWO----------
Status: Adopted by @Aoi-Kiyoko

Name: Rouge

Age: 17 and 1/2

Personality: Snarky and pessimistic, but secretly cares about the littlest things. Real softy when it comes to animals, especially cats. Slightly depressed.

Eyes: Blood Red

Hair: Long wheat-blonde, ends around your lower back. One thick streak is dyed dark purple, and is normal up in a braided bun.

Clothes: Bigger and well worn t-shirts, mostly sports shirts from your school's basketball, track, soccer, and Cross Country (XC) teams. Light blue skinny jeans, light blue regular jeans, or black leggings. Brown hiking boots with green or purple laces.

Backstory: Adopted at the age of 3, kidnapped by Kraang at age 13 and mutated, started working for Shredder at age 14.

Mutated: Y, is a shapeshifter. Can turn into any animal or thing that's telekinetic.

Works: As a street informer for The Shredder, helping find the people he wants dead or tracked. Can call Foot reinforcements. Does the job for the money, her family needs the money, and offered you up as payment for their debt.

This is now closed! Thanks for everybody that sent in profiles!!


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