When He Hurts You

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It had been a long day of training in the lair, and you were exhausted. Mikey and Donnie were passed out on the couch, Raph was wrapping a bandage around his arm, and Leo was extremely cranky. He was pacing up and down in the kitchen, his katanas sheathed and laying on the counter.
"Leo, can you stop pacing for a second so I can see if that cut needs stitches?" You asked, irritated.
"Not now y/n." Leo snapped. You crossed your arms, and stood in front of his pace path. When he turned around, he bumped into you. He looked down, somehow furious with you, but you stood your ground.
"Maybe you should stop so I can look at that now." You snapped, grabbing his arm carefully to look at it. Leo snatched it away, and growled at you.
"Maybe you should stop acting like my mother." Leo snapped back. You crossed your arms, furious.
"Excuse you, Mr. I'm-high-and-mighty. You're injured, and that's what team members help with." You said. Leo rolled his eyes.
"Y/n, you'll never be on my team. You want to know why? Because you suck." Leo snapped. You slapped him then, for the low blow. You had only been training for a couple weeks-of course you weren't that good yet.
You stomped up the stairs, and locked the door to your room. A couple minutes later, Leo came up the stairs. He tried to open the door, only to find it locked.
"Y/n, let me in." He said, banging on the door.
"Maybe you should've thought about the encouraging words team leaders speak before you told me I sucked." You snapped, curling up in bed. Leo, who finally realized just how awful he was being, went back downstairs. He was going to have to sleep on the couch tonight.

"Scoot over y/n, don't hog the couch." Raph said irritably, as you were stretched out across the couch.
"Nooooo." You whined, pulling an earbud out to listen better.
"Y/n, if you live here, you have to share what stays here." Raph said, sitting on your legs.
"Ow! Raph, that hurts!" You cried, twisting to get out from under him. Raph didn't budge. You could feel the strain on your muscles, and the pain was bringing tears to your eyes.
"Raphael, you get off of me right this instant!" You shrieked; it felt like your knees were about to snap.
"Fine, stop screaming." Raph grumbled, getting off of you. You let out a gasp of relief, massaging your legs to make sure nothing was broken. Once you were sure you still had kneecaps, you glared at Raph.
"You nearly dislocated my legs!" You cried, getting up a little wobbly.
"No I didn't, stop exaggerating." Raph sighed.
"I'm not exaggerating!" You shrieked, hitting him in the plastron.
"You have an extra 200 pounds of hard shell and muscle and you sat on the weakest part of the human body! Just let that sink in for a moment." You screamed, storming out of the room. You locked yourself in your room, and wouldn't let Raph in when he came banging on the door. Maybe when he slept on the couch tonight he would feel how hard his shell was.

Donnie was working in his lab late that night, and you had woken up to the sounds of something exploding. You got up groggily, and opened the door to see a soot-covered and furious Donnie.
"What're doing up still? Come to bed, it's nearly 10." You said, yawning and rubbing your eyes.
"I CAN'T! I need to fix this stupid beaker!" Donnie yelled at you. Slightly offended, but knowing how upset he could get, you let it slide.
"Ok then, fix your stupid beaker." You said, sitting in a chair near the door. Donnie cleaned up the mess from the explosion. The sounds of the glass scraping against the cement floor was making you cringe though. It was worse than nails on a chalkboard.
"Donnie, can you please just pick up the glass?" You asked, half begging. There was a pause, and then a long, drawn-out scraping noise.
"Does it bother you?" Donnie asked, as you jumped up from your chair angrily.
"Yes, it does. If you pick it up, you'll be done faster, and then you can come to bed." You snapped, annoyed with your boyfriend.
"So you're saying I shouldn't do experiments?" Donnie asked angrily, scraping the glass into a trash bag.
"No, I'm asking you to be safe." You replied, fed up.
"Well here's a news flash for little-miss-sheltered. When Shredder's after you, you do anything you can think of to stay safe. Even if that means blowing an entire building up." Donnie snapped, standing up.
"Why were you making an explosion that big this late at night?" You shrieked, thinking about what would've happened if it took everybody out.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Donnie snarked. You let out a half groan half scream of exasperation.
"I give up Donnie. Can you just come to bed?" You tried one last time for diplomacy.
"No, I'm going to stay here with my explosives!" Donnie roared.
"FINE! Hope you like cold metal lab tables, because that's where you're sleeping tonight!" You screamed, going back into your room, and locking the doors.

You were waiting for Mikey to finish training so you could surprise him. You had finally made it onto the pinball high score board, and we're super excited.
"Ugh, where's my controller?" You heard him mutter. You turned around to see a very grumpy looking Mikey rummaging in his controller box.
"Hey Mikey, guess what?" You asked excitedly.
"I don't really care y/n, I just want to play." He said, tired.
"That's not very nice." You huffed, turning all the around to face him.
"Whatever y/n." Mikey said, starting his game.
"What do you mean 'whatever'? I was trying to tell you something!" You snapped, angry at his level of indifference.
"It's not that important right now." Mikey huffed, trying to see around you, as you had stepped in front of the screen.
"Mikey, I'm like the third most important thing in your life, other than your family, and training!" You exclaimed, turning the TV off. Mikey stood up furiously.
"Y/n, you turn the TV back on right now!" Mikey snapped.
"No, I was trying to tell you something! I finally got onto the high score board on the pinball machine!" You shrieked angrily.
"I DON'T CARE Y/N! Just let me watch and play on the TV! I don't want to hear you right now!" Mikey screamed. Startled, you stood silent for a second, before leaving the room. You stomped up the stairs, and locked yourself in your room. Mikey wasn't going to yell at you anymore.

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