When You Graduate

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"-L/n, Y/n is graduating with a 4.0 GPA, as well as in the top 15% of her class. Y/n participates in many clubs for school." Your principal shook your hand, and gave you your diploma, and you blinked back tears.
"Thank you." You beamed, and got off the stage. Even though the ceremony was long, you were happy throughout the whole graduation. You were done! No more waking up early, Leo making sure that you matched every morning, no more blasted homework.
After it was over, you heard someone calling your name, and you turned to find Leo in his human form.
"Leo! I didn't know you were going to come!" You squealed, throwing yourself into his arms.
He picked you up and swung you around, before kissing the top of your head and handing you flowers. You felt your eyes water again, and you gave him a tight hug.
"Leo, what am I going to do without you?" You asked, suddenly sad. It would be four long years without seeing him, and FaceTime could only do so much.
"We'll manage, Y/n, don't you worry. I'm sure there aren't any other hot boys like me at college." Leo said, a sad smile on his face.
"Leo," You scoffed. "Don't think for a second that I'm trading you in for a human!" You paused, letting that statement sink in.
"Ok, that sounded weird, but you know what I mean. I'll come home over the holidays, I'll call most nights, and then I'll be home before you know it."
"Y/n, you are the most amazing person I've ever met."

"-L/n, Y/n is graduating with a 3.9 GPA and is ranked in the top 17% of her class. Y/n holds the record for most amount of detentions evaded in student history." This made everybody laugh, and your principal shook your hand, and gave you your diploma. As soon as you were off the stage, you punched the air and hollered, "Hell yes!"
Everyone laughed a little, but you were just elated that you didn't have any more school left. Sitting through the rest of graduation was very boring, but you couldn't have your phone out, so you had to suffer through it.
As soon as it was over, you danced over to Raph, holding your diploma high in the air.
"I did it, I did it!" You crowed victoriously, while Raph watched you in amusement. Once you had settled down, he handed you flowers, which you thanked him for.
"I can't believe you've graduated already." Raph said wistfully.
"Yeah, me too." You said. "But don't worry Raph, college will go by in a breeze."
"For you it will," Raph said. "It'll drag on and on and on for me." You kissed his cheek, and both of you smiled.
"Don't worry Raphie-poo." You smiled up at him. "I'll be home before you know it, ok?"


"-L/n, Y/n is graduating saludatorian of her class with a 4.36 GPA and is ranked second in her class. Y/n is graduating with honors and is offered different scholarships from colleges in the US." You smiled widely, taking your diploma and shaking the principle's hand.
"Thank you so much." You said respectfully, before getting up and going to sitting down in the seats. Casey sat next to you, being that he was your brother and everything, but you ignored him. He hadn't apologized from the incident in the lair, and you weren't going to make him.
As soon as it was over, Donnie dragged you over to a slightly quieter corner and gave you a bouqet of flowers, and a big kiss.
"Y/n, I'm so proud of you, you're so amazing!" Donnie said, thrilled that you had been ranked second in your class. He wasn't even sad that you missed valedictorian, because he knew you were smart.
"Thanks Donnie," You grinned, taking the flowers. "Wish I could convince Casey though. He wasn't very thrilled to see me again."
"Don't worry about it Y/n." Donnie said firmly, tapping your diploma. "This day is about you, amd what you've done. You're done with high school!"
"And then on to college!" You practically screamed in excitement, noticing Donnie's smile drop.
"Donnie, it's only for a couple years. Then I'll come back." You said softly.
"I'm not that worried about you leaving," Donnie said, amused. "I just worry about the amount of hot guys that might hit on you. That's my job."

"-L/n, Y/n is graduating with a 3.80 GPA and in the top 25% of her class. Y/n is the senior class resident artist, and is responsible for the senior designs, including the yearbooks and shirts for this year's class." Your principle said proudly, and you took your diploma from him with a bright smile before hopping down the stairs.

The rest of the ceremony was boring, but you got to see some of the other girl's that hung around the lair graduate as well. You could hardly wait for it to be over.
As soon as it was over, you went running over to Mikey. "I did it, I passed, I'm done!" You crowed victoriously, waving your diploma. 
Mikey picked you up in a big bear hug and kissed the top of your head. "I'm so proud of you Y/n! You did an amazing job!" He beamed, seeting you down with a kiss. 
"I'm glad I got a scholarship to college though, I was worried about it for a while." You sighed, after a few seconds. 
"Y/n, even though it will suck for you to leave me for four years, I'm glad that you're going to have the chance to go out and live your life before you come back. I think this is going to be great for you, and I couldn't be more proud!" Mikey declared.
You stared at him, never having heard him so passionate about anything other than pizza, select TV shows, and skating. "Um, Mikey, have you been listening to your brothers practice for what they would say to their girlfriends?"
"NO, why would you say that?" Mikey panicked, scratching his head nervously.
"It's alright Mikey, I'll be fine. I'll even FaceTime you after every class." You promised.
"Y/n, what would I do without you?" Mikey sighed in relief.
"Well, to start it off, you would be single and without a really amazing girlfriend-"

"Such a humble, modest girlfriend I have too."

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