When He's Sassy

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You two were carefully working on practicing some new self-defense techniques in the dojo, Leo leading do you could see what they looked like.
"Like this?" You said, trying and failing to mimic what you had seen Leo just do.
"No, that's not right. Try bringing your hand up and bit more, and plant your feet. It'll keep your steady."
You tried again, and this time it worked. You didn't fall over, and you now knew a sixth way to kill a man.
"Did you see that? I did it!" You screeched excitedly. Leo glanced at you in amusement.
"Yes, good job, Y/n."
You glared at him, your hands on your hips.
"Are you being sarcastic Mr. I-do-everything-right-the-first-time?"
"Who, me? Why, I would never be sarcastic around you."
"You watch yourself, mister."

"Y/n, when are you going to update your YouTube channel? It's been forever!" Raph whined.
"Well, I've been pretty busy lately, wouldn't you agree?" You looked up from some leftover homework that you had to finish up.
"Besides, if you want me to update so badly, why don't you update a video yourself?"
It wasn't the worst idea you had come up with recently. You were sure your fans would love to see someone other than you on your channel for a change.
"A giant talking turtle wouldn't go viral at all, Y/n, brilliant idea." Raph said dryly.
"Hey, you said it, not me." Raph rolled his eyes at you, and you grinned.
"It probably wouldn't be a good idea though. The FBI would probably bust down the door."
"And the most biggest understatement of the year goes to- Y/n!"
"Shut it greenie."

"Hey Donnie, would it be the end of the world if I killed your laptop?" You asked innocently, twirling a strand of hair around your finger.
Donnie shot up, a cry of protest on his lips.
"Y/n, that has everything I've ever worked on saved on it! I didn't even have it backed up yet!"
"Don't worry Donnie, it's perfectly fine." You said, rolling your eyes. "I just wondered what would happen if it did get killed."
Donnie sighed, rubbing his temples, and slowly sat back down again.
"You should probably back it up soon though. You do live in a house with Mikey and his girlfriend."
"Somehow, those two aren't the ones I'm worried about, especially looking at your track record." Donnie muttered.
"Excuse me?" You asked, startled. "What have I ever done to your stuff?"
"It's what you haven't done to my stuff. Every time you ask questions about it, I'm terrified."
"Oh, very funny Donnie." You said huffily.

"Mikey, have you ever eaten anything healthy?" You asked, watching as Mikey finished his eighth slice of pizza. Mikey frowned.
"Like, an apple or something?"
"Yeah, you know, anything healthy that might be on the Food Pyramid." You said, looking in the fridge for a mango or something fruity.
"What's the Food Pyramid?" Mikey asked, confused.
"It's what you should and shouldn't eat." You sighed. Mikey rolled his eyes at you, reaching for another slice of pizza.
"Y/n, I know what healthy things are. How do you think I look so good?"
"Maybe because you work it all off in training and patrols." You said pointedly.
"Pass the mango Y/n, or I'll die of unhealthiness." Mikey grumbled, swiping it out of your hands. "Stupid fruits." He grumbled.
"You forgot the vegetables too."
"Gosh darn, not vegetables too!"

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