Tagged by Twosies

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So, I've been tagged by two of some of my favorite authors to do this interesting information thing for you fabulous people reading my story. Basically, I'll tell you a little about me, which was actually a chapter I had planned for. So thank you, KikiTMNT and KennaRaphBUSCUS .

Straight. Never questioned it ever, I've always known that I just like guys. However, I'll admit that sometimes I take a really long time to find a guy I like. Example: the last guy I liked, it took me a year to like him, and then I liked him for three and a half years.

Female and proud of it :)

Um, mostly...every now and then I just want to graduate to get out of the house because it feels crowded and tense. Most of the time I'm very stressed, because I put a lot of pressure on myself to do well in school so I can get scholarships.

Last Song?
SexyBack- Justin Timberlake

Hair Color?
A multitude of colors, actually. My real hair color is brown, but I got highlights three years ago, that turned platinum blonde and looked really bad on me. They gradually worked their way out, but they're still there the last six or seven inches of my hair. This fall, I dyed it a brown very similar to my really color, but it has a hint of red in it, but it's coming out now. Without hair dye though, I have these bronze-copper highlights theatre natural.

Leo- but I've literally seen nothing from it that applies to me, except for shy.

Last Person I Kissed?
I've actually never kissed anybody, but I've wanted to. ;)

Fav Color?
Purple. Hands down. It's been purple since I've been two.

Fav Food?
I can't decide. Most of the time it's chicken Alfredo, but sometimes it's birthday cake ice cream, and sometimes it's crepes.

Battery %?
100% don't judge me. It's Sunday, and I'm not normally on, except to check emails and stuff. Normally, it's like 5-36%

Celebrity Crush?
Honestly...again going back to liking guys...I have no clue. I think Peeta's cute, and I like the actor that plays Peter Pan in Once Upon a Time. But they're not really crushes.

Fav Veggie?
...Carrots. Tomatoes and cucumbers are gross, it's a texture thing. Carrots are just crunchy and normal.

Eye Color?
They turned to green permanently this year. They were blue for the longest time, and then the last four years they've been blue-green and now they're green.

Shoe Size?
A 9 1/2 in women's

Dream Job?
A high school English teacher. It's a joke that runs in our family, that the women never learn, because for some odd reason all the women, on both sides too, have been teachers.

Yup, I've got three. One's 15, and she's on Wattpad, though she doesn't write much. Another is 13, and he's on Wattpad too, though he doesn't write much either. HUGE Star Wars nerd, if I do say so myself. And the youngest is 7. She's a diva if I've ever seen one, and loves gymnastics. Also, yes, I'm aware that's a 9 year difference between her and me, since I'm 16.

Personal Facts about Me?
My real name is Emily, but I like going by Emmaline on here, just in case. Identity things and old creepers alike, ya feel? I'm 16, and my half birthday is Valentines Day! My real birthday August 14. I live in the US, in the southern part, near Florida, but I'm not going to say which state, for safety. I'm a junior in high school, or in Grade 11 for those overseas. I love track and field, and have learned to appreciate having to share a bus seat with three other people. Warmth is key.

That's it for now! I'm going to tag BlurpTheTurtle , RosesReality , nolongerme , and Saphira8199 but you don't have to do the bonus. Enjoy! I'll update tomorrow, promise.

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