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(Ink/Hue POV)

It's been about an hour since I have been hanging in error's strings when he had finally caught me earlier and least to say I felt a little nauseous from being hanged upside down while being swung side to side. Sighing, I decide to break out of the strings while going a distance away to train my magic but right when I was going to walk off to train, error decided to complain about how he was bored while calling me Squid.

Rolling my eyelights, I ignore error while continuing to walk away not knowing that a certain someone was watching me and was furious when they saw that their child had somehow gotten an uninvited guest from a different multiverse and that the guest just so happened to be what they hated the most- an error sans.

While Fate was raging in anger, she didn't seem to notice that her strings felt her hate towards error and her anger at Ink and least to say once the strings felt Fate's emotions they went and decided to help ease Fate's anger by wrapping their strings around Ink while making him attack the cause of Fate's anger, error.


(Ink/Hue POV)

I was about to use my paint brushes to try and create something when I suddenly felt like something had went and wrapped itself around me and next thing I know I felt like I wasn't myself  and then without my control, my body suddenly turned around towards error and took my two paintbrushes out while having a murderous aura around them.

Error, who had sensed the murderous aura, turned towards me but froze when they saw that something was wrong with me. Narrowing his eye sockets, error continued to watch me to see what i would do next not knowing that the one in control wasn't me at the moment.

While my body continued to go towards error to attack him, I was struggling to get back control only to turn confused when I suddenly started to feel light headed and then without warning, I passed out in my mind while error dealt with a murderous Ink.

(Error POV)

I was bored and so I decided to complain to the squid but stopped when I suddenly felt a strong murderous aura directed towards me. Turning towards who the source was, I froze. The murderous aura was coming from Ink and he was staring straight at me while having his two paintbrushes out. Narrowing my eye sockets at Ink, I tense up slightly knowing that a fight was going to happen, right when I saw Ink start approaching me with a ready grip on his paintbrushes.

Even though I hated to admit it, I was scared of this Ink. My old Ink scared me yes, but this Ink scared me even more especially since I know they're stronger than my old Ink and that they also have extra back up with their four arms and two paintbrushes. Sighing, I get up from my string hammock while taking out my strings, knowing that I will most likely get severe injuries since I'm still quite injured from my old multiverse.

Getting into a fighting stance, I couldn't help but wonder why this Ink suddenly wanted to kill me, though I didn't get long to ponder on why since my body instinctively dodged a red paint that was about to hit me. Looking at Ink, I glare at him while making sure to not let myself get distracted this time. Staying on my hammock, I send my strings towards Ink to which he easily dodged and broke them. Annoyed, I summon my gaster blasters and bone attacks while sending them straight towards Ink. 

'Ink' who saw the attacks coming, dodged while doing flips over the attacks that came, while also using his two extra arms to use his paintbrushes to destroy any strings that came near him. Sighing, 'Ink' ran past the attacks while destroying any that got in his way while heading straight towards error.

Error who didn't except Ink to actually run straight at him, stiffened a little before jumping onto a gaster blaster right before his string hammock was destroyed by Ink. Staring at Ink, error noticed that Ink had red target eyelights now and right when error saw the red target eyelights coming from Ink, error was suddenly dragged back into a flashback when he was back in his old multiverse facing off in one of his fights against his old Ink.

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