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Zemeron's mind raced with endless thoughts as he strolled down the narrow hallways of the Senior Quarters. Not long ago, Trixan had invited him to her office to deliver the news. She would be going to Rhodine tomorrow for an emergency meeting. 

The last time the Council of Elders had an emergency meeting, the Vessels of Bezvaros had broken into Nag Tog to steal Bezvaros' Crystal. Zemeron had only been four years old then but he still remembered how restless everyone back home, especially his father, had been.

He often heard stories about how the Outer Sphere had come close to destruction had the vanquishers not stepped in to stop their summoning ritual of the Demon King. An emergency meeting of the Council of Elders was never a good sign. 

 Trixan had put him in charge of the school's safety until she returned and that was exactly what he was going to do. He hoped that Trixan would be safe while she was in Agon. It was no secret that the Draghein Family didn't like her. As someone who belonged to one of the Dominant Families, Zemeron knew how dangerous they were. 

He had no doubt that Trixan could take care of herself, but he still could not keep himself from worrying. It was thanks to the Elder that Zemeron and his sister were safe from their own family. Trixan didn't waver for a second in accepting two Zoleris into a Draghein school even when that meant attracting the wrath of both the Zoleris and Draghein families. 

If only Zemeron had had half of Trixan's courage all those years ago, Pheera would not have suffered the atrocities from their family. He had failed as an older brother, all because he had been a coward. Zemeron clenched his jaws as anger gnawed at his insides. He hated everyone who put Pheera through that hell, but most of all, he hated himself for doing nothing for so long. Once, Trixan had sensed that guilt within him and had encouraged him to forgive himself. 

"You did save your sister, my dear" she had said, her green eyes kind and tender. "Never forget that."

Zemeron sighed, as Trixan's words echoed in his mind. Then he suddenly halted in tracks as goosebumps flooded his arms. He quickly turned around, his cold eyes searching the long hallway. It was empty. Not a single person was around. Yet, Zemeron knew someone had been watching him. 

Could it be a spy from the Zoleris Family? His jaws tightened. He wouldn't put it past his father to send a spy or assassin after him. The man was desperate to get Pheera back and he would resort to any scheme to do so.  To Esumeraz Zoleris, Pheera was nothing but a weapon to be used for his own political agenda. But would his father be so daring as to send a spy into Draghein School?  That man was many things, but no fool. And fuelling the feud between Zoleris and Draghein was by sending a spy this sloppy was indeed foolish. 

Yet Zemeron could not shake off that feeling of ill intent twisting his bowels. The person clearly had malicious thoughts. He had to keep his eyes open especially now that Trixan was going to the Central Domain.  Without Rizav, he was the only class two vanquisher in Draghein School which meant that it was his job to protect the school. 


The clock struck midnight in New York. 

A murky black fluid appeared from nothing, tearing a rift in thin air. Out of the murky fluid emerged a tall man dressed in all black. A skull-face mask covered the lower half of his dark face, while a cowboy hat covered his low-cropped black hair. The fluid portal disappeared behind him as soon as he stepped through. The blasting music inside the dimly lit club suddenly turned off and all eyes landed on him. 

He grinned beneath the mask. It seemed he had interrupted some kind of party here. Rusmendez did love his parties. 

A group of the most vicious-looking ones, obviously Rusmendez's top dogs, sauntered towards him in a gait they probably thought complemented their glare. He almost laughed out the sheer ridiculousness of it all. 

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