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⚠️TW - Talk of cancer and death.⚠️

I run out of my lesson, straight to the gates outside waiting for the group. The first ones to show up are Oliver and Harrison, followed by Tom then Lexi and Tia with James. When greeting the last two, Andrea comes up to me and grabs me by the shoulder.

"Hey Cait and Cait's companions." She greets kinda rudely. I smile at her as everyone else glares at her.

"What's up, Andrea?" I ask.

"I'm having a party on Saturday and I wanted to invite you. You can bring these as well if you want."

"Umm...I'll think about it, I might be busy on Saturday."

"Okay." She hugs me and walks away. "Ciao!" I turn around and they're all staring at me.

"What?" I ask cluelessly.

"Since when do you talk to Andrea?" Lexi asks me. I shrug.

"She showed me to science today." I say like it's nothing, starting to walk and them following me.

"We have to go on Saturday!" Tia exclaims. They all look at her like she's crazy.

" we don't!" Haz shouts. "Why would we go to that shitshow?"

"Because she wants Cait there, if we go with her then we'll see what's she's planning to do to her." Tia explains.

"What do you think she's going to do to me? Take me hostage and kill me?" I say sarcastically and they all look at me scared. "I was kidding." We all debate about it and we agree to go on Saturday. I walk ahead a little bit and Tom catches up with me.

"Hey Tom." I smile as he appears next to me.

"Hey Cait. Sorry I haven't really spoken to you, I'm kinda weird around new people." He explains.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm just the same." I reassure him.

"So where'd you move here from?"

"I'm originally from the Devon area but I just moved here from Bristol."

"You move around a lot?"

"Only because my mum likes to remarry a lot."

"What happened to your dad?" I look down. "Forget I said that actually, sorry that was a stupid question."

"Hey, no it's ok." I grab his shoulder to show him it's ok. "My dad died just under a year ago. He had cancer for a while but him being the stubborn person he was, he didn't want to go to the doctor because he thought he was fine. When they found out, they said they couldn't do a lot about it because he hadn't gone to the doctor so it was basically incurable."

"Cait, I'm so sorry." He wraps an arm around me.

"No it's ok. I just would rather be with my dad than my mum. Not in a horrible way, I love my mum but she pays more attention to her love life than her children."

"Then that's fair enough." He stops walking and stops in front of a house. "Well this is me, it was nice to have met you today."

"And this is me." I smile as I see he's my neighbour.

"See ya round neighbour." I wave and unlock my front door and go into the house.

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