mini golf

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After my amazing shower, I go into my room and see the girls digging through my wardrobe for clothes to wear. 

"Girls, my clothes won't fit you. I'm fatter than you both." I say, throwing my towels into the washing basket.

"Caitlin! You are not fat." Lexi scolds me, also throwing a bra at me. I roll my eyes and look through my wardrobe with them. I throw on a black skirt that goes just above my thighs and a belt around my waist. I put on my favourite AC/DC shirt and tuck it into my skirt. I also wear my clunky black trainers and my favourite black knee high socks. I straighten my hair and put it into an Ariana Grande style ponytail.

Lexi puts on my oversized plain purple shirt, my baggy black jeans and her black Converse trainers, she also curls her hair. Tia wears my blue and white striped crop top and my blue skinny jeans with her white Air Forces. We all walk down the stairs and see the boys sitting in my living room, watching Cars. 

"We ready for mini golf, boys?" Tia asks sassily. The boys all gawk at us and nods their heads. We all get into Tom's car, me in the front, the girls in the back and the boys decide to sit in the trunk, like idiots. We turn on my Spotify playlist and start to sing along to Grease songs...well, me, Tom and Tia did. Everyone else thought the songs were lame and that made me want to slap some sense into them. We pulled up to the mini golf place and all got out the car. We all pay for ourselves and start to go around the course. We get to a huge windmill and everyone does it perfectly and then it comes to me. I have to hit the ball at least 3 times before it can even go through the windmill. When it does eventually go through, it gets stuck in the windmill and doesn't come out the other side. 

"Are you fucking joking me?" I say angrily as I look at everyone looking at me and laughing. "You all think this is funny?" I ask sarcastically. Tom goes over to the windmill and takes the ball out of the small, wooden building and places it on the fake grass for me to hit into the hole. I smile and line up my club with the ball and gently hit it. I slowly rolls into the hole and I cheer and everyone cheers and move onto the next hole. Tom hangs back when everyone leaves.

"Well done, baby." He looks down at me with practically heart eyes. 

"Thank you, Tommy." I gently kiss his lips and grab his hand and drag him to the next hole. After another hour of playing mini golf, James wins and I fucking lose. On the way home, I try to convince everyone that the game was rigged. Tom drives everyone home and then parks outside of his house. 

"Wanna come in?" He asks me. I think about it for a moment before agreeing. He holds my hand slightly before opening the door to his house. I look around the hallway and see pictures of his brothers and his parents. His dog immediately runs up to us as we walk int the door and she jumps up at me, making me crouch down and receive many kisses from the little dog.

"This is Tessa. She loves new people." He introduces the cutest dog to me and I pay no attention to Tom anymore and it's just me and Tessa in the world. She runs away once his family come to greet him at the door. 

"Tom! You're home!" His mum comes rushing through the hallway to him and starts to kiss his face all over. 

"Mum, I was gone for one night." He pries her off of his face and she notices me.

"And who's this lovely young lady?" She gestures towards me.

"Hi, I'm Caitlin. I'm the new neighbour." I introduce myself, putting out my hand for her to shake. She smiles and takes my hand, pulling me into her body and hugging me.

"I'm Nikki and I'm a hugger." I love this woman already. We make small talk with his mum for a few minutes before his three brothers come running down the stairs, all holding Nerf guns and shooting each other. They all stop when they see me.

"Who's this?" The semi tall one with curly hair asks. 

"Guys, this is Caitlin. She moved in across the road a few weeks ago." I awkwardly wave at them and they reciprocate. "Caity, these are my three brothers, Sam, Harry and Paddy." We all talk for a while until me and Tom go up to his room. 


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