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It's finally Saturday. I don't know why but I really wanted to go to this party because I haven't had the chance to go to one in a while. I put in a black dress with some matching converses. I get a text once I finish straightening my hair and it's an unknown number.

'Hey it's Tom:) I'm driving if you want a ride'
'Hey Tom:) I would love a ride if that's ok'
'Ofc it is, neighbour. Be out in 5'

I switch off my phone and go down the stairs towards the door.

"And where do you think you're going?" My mum stops me as I'm about to leave.

"Out with some friends. Someone's throwing a party, I told you this." I huff as I watch my mum in her, yet another drunken state.

"I don't think so, missy. You have to clean the roof." She says, giggling. I see my step dad come out of his office and into the hallway, instantly seeing my mother.

"Off you go, Cait. Have a nice time." He smiles at me and I leave the house and carefully watch as he lays my mum down onto the sofa, falling into a sleep. I wave through the window and see Tom in his car.

"Hey Tom." I smile as I jump into the car.

"Hey Caitlin." He beams at me.

"I've already told you Tom, call me Cait."

"Oh. Sorry."

"It's fine. Come on, we're gonna be late." He speeds off, stopping at the corner shop for some alcohol and heading off to Andrea's house.

"You ready for the shitshow?" He asks me.

"No but it's too late now." He opens the door and get a sudden scent of sex and sweat. We walk around trying to find the others when we see them, gathered in the corner of the kitchen.

"Took your time." James smiles at us, hugging me and shaking Tom's hand.

"Shut up mate." Tom punches his arm.

"Cait!" A familiar screechy voice comes from behind me.

"Hey Andrea." I smile as she wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"Come with me." She grabs my hand and drags me away. I wave to the others as they all look at me weirdly.

"What's up, Andrea?" I ask.
"I have a bit of a weird question and I totally understand if you say no." I urge her to carry on and she blushes a little. "Can you tell your friend to talk to me? Tom?" She asks me, batting her eyelashes.

"Tom? Why?" I ask, trying to get some more information out of her.

"We have history and I kinda need to talk to him." She explains. I think for a minute.

"I guess I can talk to him but I don't know him that well."

"I understand that. Just if my name gets mentioned, you tell him to talk to me." I nod my head, slightly scared and walk back to the group.

"What did she want?" Lexi asks.
"Just saying hi and introducing me to some people." I lie. I don't wanna come straight out and say that she's wants to talk to Tom.

"Want a drink?" Oliver passes me a red cup.

"What's in it?" I raise my eyebrows a little.
"Rum and coke. You said it was your favourite." He smiles at me.

"You remembered." I take a sip and feel the burn as the alcohol runs down my throat.

"Cait!" Tia shouts at me from the dance floor.

"What?!" I shout back. She runs over to me, a little out of breath.

"Come and dance with us!" She shrieks. I look at Tom and the other boys.

"Dance with us?" I ask. They all shake their head.

"Please!" I beg them. Tom rolls his eyes and grabs my hand, dragging me to the dance floor. I smile and start to dance with him, getting close and wrapping my arms around his neck. After a while of dancing, Andrea kinda joins in dancing with us and basically ends up pushing me away and starts dancing with Tom. I can't tell you why but a pang of jealousy shoots through my body and I make my way over to the group.

"Where's Tom?" Lexi asks after losing sight of him and Andrea.

"I...don't know." Haz stutters.

"He was my ride home, he was the only one not drinking." I sit back on the sofa and huff. After a while of talking about completely nothing, we see Tom. Walking out from a bedroom with...Andrea. His hair was ruffled and his belt was in his hand. I bite my lip at the sight of him but then look over at Andrea. Her hair was messed up and there was some red marks on her neck. I look away from the sight and go to get another drink.

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