most awkward breakfast ever

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I woke up the next morning in Tom's arms and immediately smiled. I snuggled in closer to his chest and he moved, squeezing me slightly into his body. I squealed slightly as he rolled over and took me with him.

"Morning." Tom smiles at me as he snuggles into my neck.

"Morning." I say, still giggling.

"You wanna hang out again today?" He asks me.

"Oh shit, I can't. I have a math test to study for." I say, getting up from the bed and rummaging around, trying to find my clothes.

"Oh okay." He sits up from the bed and I glance a little too long at his toned body and how the sunlight hits it perfectly.

"Take a picture, Caity. It'll last longer." I nervously laugh as I continue to dress myself. "At least let me make you breakfast." I think for a moment.

"Fine but won't your family think it's weird that I stayed the night?" I ask cautiously.

"No, don't worry. They'll just take the piss out of me later for having a girl round." I laugh and we both start to make our way downstairs. I see Tom's whole family downstairs, his mum and brother cooking and the rest sitting at the table.

"Morning To-Oh! And Caitlin, what a lovely surprise." His mum exclaims as she sees me.

"Morning Mrs Holland. I hope it's okay that I stayed here last night." I smile as everyone gawks at me like I'm some kind of statue.

"Not at all! And me Nikki." She warmly smiles at me.

"Caitlin? Are you staying for breakfast?" Tom's youngest brother, Paddy asks me. I stutter before Tom interrupts me.

"Yes she is. As long as it's okay, mum."

"Of course it is!"

I sit down at the table and make small talk with Tom's younger brothers when his mum puts a bacon sandwich down in front of me and we all start to eat. I feel weirdly comfortable around Tom's family...they have just a wonderful atmosphere at their home. I finish my food and talk to Tom's brother, Sam.

"So, are you dating my brother?" He asks me.

"I wouldn't say dating..." I say quietly.

"So...what? Friends with benefits?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Have you two fucked?"

"Sam! Language!" Nikki scolded him while Tom kicked him under the table.

"Have you?" Harry chimes in.

"Shut up!" Tom yells at him. I sit there awkwardly at the table and feel like everyone's staring at me. Nikki stands from the table and I glance at her, she signals for me to come with her so I do. She ushers all the boys, including Tom, out of the room. Oh god...she's going to ask me if we've fucked. What do I say?!

"I'm so sorry about my sons. They just don't know when to stop sometimes." She says sincerely.

"Don't worry about it, I guarantee you my brother is worse when it comes to talking to boys I bring home." I laugh nervously. We talk for a little while and we both finish eating and we can hear the boys yelling in the other room and we both exchange a glance. We get up and go into the living room and see the boys wrestling on the sofas so we both start to giggle at their silliness. Nikki pulls me away from the doorway and into the hallway.

"Caitlin, can I be honest with you?" She asks me with a small smile on her face. I nod my head and she hugs me for a second. "I know you and Tom have only known each other for a little while but I've gotta say...he's been a lot happier since he's been around you. The boy is always smiling."

"Really?" I ask, not really believing her. She nods her head and by the look on her face, she can notice the redness on my face and the small smile that started to grow.

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